Chapter 15

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Thorin the King under the Mountain struggled to stand Daisy smiled sympathetically at him.

" steady my love you're still wondered"! Daisy advised.

" I know my darling One ..... Come". Thorin coaxed holding his hand out to her.

Though they remained separate on this Journey Daisy couldn't hide her affection no longer neither could perhaps Thorin though it was well known that dwarves such as Thorin's line are very secretive.

" You! You could've gotten yourself killed did I not say youd be a burden that you will not survive in the wild ..... I have never been so wrong in all my life"! Thorin admitted.

Daisy held her hand tightly Bilbo turned and looked out toward the distance he saw something magical..... " Is that what I think it is"?

Thorin smiled at Bilbo then gripping Daisy's hand tightly he smiled delighted at her.

" Our home"! Thorin declared

Daisy was brought up by that " Our home" how can that be " our home"?

Daisy clutched Thorin's hand.

"  we're nearly there Thorin.... you're destiny is in sight my love"! Whispered Daisy.

Daisy passed a look over at Bilbo smiled at her.

Thorin outstretched his arm and allowed Daisy's arm Thorin knew that she was tired. So she just lay her head for a little while on his shoulder.

" Come my dear"! Thorin smiles softly as she lay her head on the fur part of his jacket.



The Company moved on, the night was drawing in and suddenly was standing beside Thorin.

Bilbo went to scout out the sound of the orcs and wargs that had been following them since the past part of this journey. Daisy had enjoyed it so far.

Daisy couldnt walk or run anymore she was so tired Bilbo came hastening back to the Company.

" What is it? Bilbo ...... Tell us Bilbo"! Daisy prompted him.

" Well its bigger than bear its huge and black.

" Is it like a bear"? Gandalf asked

" Yes yes it is"!

" Is he friend or foe"? Thorin asked.

" Neither .... he will help us or he will kill us"! The wizard said.

" Oh that's helpful"! Daisy groaned

Just then, they heard the growls and snarls of Wargs and Orcs Azog the defiller was with them they knew that he wasn't going to give up on coming after them.

" There is a house ... we have to get shelter"!

Daisy looked at Thorin Oakenshield the leader and the prince looked down at the Hobbit woman he pulled up his hand to her pale cheek.

" Daisy! Come here"! He scooped her up into his arms and began to run with her toward the house.

As they ran toward the bears house for shelter Thorin held her body tightly to him.

" Come On"! Shouted Thorin.

Thorin and the company ran though the gates the door was closed the dwarves started panic.

" Get it open .... come on"! Shouted Thorin.

Thorin carried the Hobbit woman in and carried over to a pile of hay where she'd be comfortable.

He set her down on the hay, Thorin moved to the Company and sat there beside the fire, he couldn't help but worry about her deeply he tried to keep their relationship secret

The company knew not to question their leader they had pledged their loyalty to him since they set off for this dangerous mission.

It was late at night and Thorin was still awake he watched about the room his eyes clamped on the Hobbit lass who was fast asleep, snuggled up.

Gently sighing, he moved toward the stack of hay where his One was lying. He climbed onto the hay behind her slipping his arm about her slender waist she stirred ....

" shh shh ghisveishel! It's only me". The King bent up on his elbows and kissed her cheek.

Daisy began to relax as Thorin was snuggled up against her.

Thorin was used to this he has been eversince he set off from the blue mountains with his company.

Bilbo found that he just couldnt sleep so he quietly began move careful not to disturb the others.

Dawn began to break, hearing the birds tweeting she smiled she felt the heavy weight of the dwarf princes arm about her waist. Moaning she rubbed her eyes and gently shifted the dead weight of Thorin's arm from over her slender waist.

The Company leader began to stir behind her ..... " Five more minutes"! He moaned against the soft skin of her neck.

" Thorin Oakenshield we need to move the Orcs would have followed us"! Daisy instructed stoically sitting there adjusting her clothes replacing her boots and belt.

" hum! And Goodmorning to you too ghisveishel"! Thorin whispered lightly kissing her neck.

" Nevermind that the companies waiting for us,"! Daisy pulled away.

" I know"! Thorin moaned softly as he sat up picking the hay out of his hair.

The Hobbit lass had to laugh at him he looked as if hed been tragged though a hedge against his will.

Thorin sat for a while before standing he turned to her holding out his hands he smiled .....

" Come". Pulling her up he turned to his side she gladly took his arm just as she'd done n Baggend when she first met the dwarf prince/King.

The pair headed outside where the Company were waiting on their ponies bu this time their secret was out the Company knew their prince to be in love with the young Hobbit lass but Thorin kept denying his feelings for her in their presence.

Thorin lifted her onto his pony and then he climbed on grabbing the reigns he lead them off.

" now it is for sure... uncle and the Hobbit lass
are an item"! Kili assumed.

" Move off"! Thorin called

" Wait Thorin! Daisy started what about Gandalf"? Thorin pulled his pony and the Company to adrupt halt.

" Gandalf Time is wasting"! Thorin informed him.

The wizard made his way toward his pony.

Thorin and the Hobbit lass hadn't shared a private time together on this journey but he would promise her much more whence they get back to the Mountain.

Saving The King's life - The Hobbit (Throin Oakenshield love story) Where stories live. Discover now