Chapter 6

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Daisy Amaranth Harfoot settled herself behind Thorin on the back of his pony she settled her arms about the dwarf prince. Bilbo her cousin was a bit further back from Daisy and Thorin up front.

Thorin smiled to himself when he noticed that Daisy had wrapped her arms around his waist.

" I think our dwarf prince is keen on our Hobbit lass"! Dwain stated smiling at his elder brother Balin.

" Aye brother I think so too .... I think hes smitten with her"! Balin answered.

" Of course I know our dwarf prince can be a little rough at times but that's only because hes been though some tough moments in his life"! Balin says sympathetically.

" Its not going to easy for the lass if he gets a bite on edge brother"! Dwalin said pointedly.

Elsewhere in the Company Fili and Kili were talking quietly amongst themselves.

" Do yer think shes pretty brother"? Asks Kili smiling.

" do I think shes pretty? Brother shes more then that ....shes a beauty I have never seen a Hobbit so beautiful"! Fili answered.

" Aye but I think Uncles smitten with her"! Kili laughed.

" Nah! Maybe hes just doing the honourable thing you know because there isnt a spare pony... she really had no choice brother"! Fili quipped.

" Why in durins name are you so reasonable brother you should be like me"? Asks Kili grinning.

" because whose going to keep safe and keep out of trouble hum .... think about it brother"! Fili urged.

Then, came Bofur, Bifer,Oin and Gloin.

Bofur liked her she was funny and in his eyes more courageous than her cousin though he liked bilbo too.

Daisy had never really spoken to Oin he was deaf in one hear that's why he had a trumpet thing sticking on the outside of his ear.

Thorin Oakenshield on the other hand yes was rough around the edges but he had been eversince he was made abandoned from his home of Erebour he just could not admit it to himself that he did have something for the Hobbit lass that was riding with him.

Daisy hardly heard two peeps out of her cousin that was until he commanded the Company to a abrupt halt daisy nearly fell off when the dwarf prince gently but annoyingly pulled his pony to a gentle halt.

" Stop stop we have to turn round"! Declared bilbo with his hand raised in the air.

" What's the matter now"? Asked Gandalf.

" I've forgotten my hankichief"! Bilbo revealed.

Daisy rolled her eyes at Bilbo " oh for pity sake Bilbo it's a ruddy handkerchief its not bloody life or death that you havent got one now is it .... now stop your fretting"!

Bofur ripped a piece material off and threw it at Bilbo.

" Ere! Use this"! Shouts Bofur.

" Honestly a hankichief that's all hes worried about ... there'll be a damn sight more for him to be worrying about when we start battling Orcs and Wargs .... Hankichief hmm"! Huffed Dori.

" I think Daisy's not impressed"! Ori observed in low tones. (Ohh hes so cute)

Back at the front of the Company the dwarf prince had had enough and he called out " Move on"!

They were off again trotting though the wooded area of the Shire still.

Daisy was sick of seeing the sight of the shire now just as they rode through it they came to spot where her father was murdered by Azog and the other orcs.

Daisy kept her head bowed in remembrance of her father lying helpless and defenceless against the pale orc. How she wished he was still here?

The Hobbit lass leant forward a little whispering into Throin's ear.

" Thorin! This is where my father was killed"! Daisy said quietly Thorin barely able to hear her.

" Do you wish stop? Or do you want to carry on"? Asks Thorin compassionately to the lass behind him on the pony.

Daisy shook her head still bowed " no let's go on! I'm sure I'll get over it sure enough"! She concludes.

" Miss Harfoot! I know this may sound harsh but believe me it never leaves you think it does when in fact ... it doesn't it stays with you"! Thorin began gently in low tones.

" I understand"! Daisy mumured.

The sky was darkening everyone grew weary from the travelling.

Thorin on the other hand, was enjoying the company of the Hobbit lass he smiled at the warmth of her hands around him it arouses him.

Bilbo started to talk to Gandalf about his various wizard colleagues.

" How many of you are there"? Bilbo asked.

" ohh quite a few"! Answered the wizard.

Daisy knew of some of them but not all.

" oh and ... are they all like you"? Bilbo pressed him.

" No not all! Gandalf answered hesitantly with a cough.

The two Daisy knew of were Gandalf and Radagast the Brown.

Thorin noticed that Daisy was a little quiet after seeing the place where her father was killed.

" Miss Harfoot are you quite well? You seem quiet"! Thorin observes although he was not facing her.

As it was growing dark, Daisy's eyes grew heavier by the minute and then out of the blue she slumbed toward managing to lay her head on the back of Thorins fur collar feeling the warmth hit her small slender cheek she muzzled into it which in turn pushed the dwarf prince foward in the Saddle.

Soon, they came to edge of a cliff when the dwarf prince dismounted his pony he turned to find Daisy's head hanging foward.

" Fili,Kili stay with the ponies make sure you watch em"! Ordered Thorin.

" Yes Uncle"! They both answered in unison.

" Bifer,Bofur and Bomber tou get the fire going"! Thorin instructed.

And the rest of yer collect the fire wood"! Was Thorin's final order.

The wizard climbed off his horse and went to find a quiet spot.

Thorin turned about on his heel of his boot and lifted the slumbering Hobbit lass down out of his saddle and into his arms. Her head fell on his shoulder, hushing her she feel back into slumber.

Daisy opened her eyes and her face turned to him giving him a weary but tired smile.

" Thankyou"! She mumured in low tone.

" Hush! Come you must rest you have been riding all day your very tired"! The dwarf prince smiled softly down at her placing in the empty space between him and another rock.

" Whose going to go on watch... someone's got to be"! Daisy smiled up at him.

" Yes Miss Harfoot! And it is not you"! Thorin returns smiling softly at her again.

Saving The King's life - The Hobbit (Throin Oakenshield love story) Where stories live. Discover now