Chapter 9

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Thorin and the Company began running Daisy followed on behind the dwarf prince.

" We have to try and kill them Thorin! At this time they're more of us than we are of them .....we stand together"! Daisy instructed.

Thorin, Fili,Kili , Daisy and Dwalin stood with their weapons drawn.

They were coming from all sides.

Daisy pulled her bow and set the arrows to it she knew exactly just who it was that was hunting them .... Azog.

Pulling her bow up ready to shoot she loaded 2 arrows. Looking across at Kili she yelled....

" Kili! Wait till you see the whites of its eyes then shoot.

" Hold it , hold it"! She said to the young dwarf archer.

hes coming closer hold it Kili ..... a few inches more the Orc and warg were in shooting distance.

" Shoot him"! Daisy yelled.

Both Kili and her let go of their arrows at the same time instantly the orc and the Warg were dead.

" Right now back away slowly Kili, don't give another reason to shoot you right keep your bow drawn at all times"!

The young Hobbit woman didnt always have to relie on her trusty bow she had two throwing daggers but in this instance they were useless.

Again, the company were dumbfounded by her fighting ability Thorin knew that she could definitely hold her own now she wasnt scared of any Orc or warg.

" Where is Gandalf? ...hes a abandoned us"! Spits Dwalin in frustration.

Daisy could feel her body getting weaker she still wasnt finished she had to make sure that all the orcs facing her were dead and not coming after her.

" Here .... you fools"! Yelled Gandalf.

" Stand your ground do not move a muscle"! Ordered Thorin.

Daisy kept shooting at them she saw one coming for her and Thorin but she loaded another two hours and shot them .

Those two .... were dead.

The Company listened to Thorin Daisy listened to him knowing she had to hold her ground with them and preserva. 

" azogs not going kill me ... not for all of Hobbition and the shire someone's got to save Thorin"! She thought to herself.

" This way ... you fools"! Yells Gandalf.

Throin ran toward the cover and away from the orcs.

One of the orcs made their way toward the prince Thorin slashed at it and it was dead.

" Kili! RUN"! Thorin yells.

Daisy ran toward Thorin grabbing his hand they both slid down into the cavern together.

Thorin threw a look at Daisy to him she looked like she exhausted.

A horn sounded.

All of their heads jolted upward toward the noise out of the blue a Orc rolled down the cavern where the Company were standing Daisy felt her legs give away and she collapsed to the floor. Feeling the weight the dwarf prince snapped his head in her direction looking down at her.

"Mahal! Daisy .... are you sure you're alright? You don't look it you look exhausted"! He says softly as gently tucked a lose strand of long red hair behind her ear.

Daisy smiled warily and says " I'm fine honestly Thorin! Just a bit exhausted that's all ....go on take the Company"!

" No Daisy! You're not fine! Your really pale and your legs went from under you ... hang on Oin come here can you take a look at Daisy somethings not right I know there isnt"!

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