Chapter 11

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Thorin and the young Hobbit woman stole away from the guidance of Lord Elrond.

" I should thankyou Daisy for allowing me to trust this elf for I surely do not"! Thorin spoke softly.

" oh Thorin! I understand why do not trust the elves because they chose to walk away when you called them for help of
Course I know lord Elrond is respectful of the king under the mountain ..... Thorin just believe that you can trust lord Elrond"! Daisy spoke lowly to him so that only he could hear her.

" Nevertheless I should thankyou"! Thorin spoke softly smiling at her.

" To tell truth Thorin I think the Company and you have become my family because I have no family.... you know Azog took my father"! Daisy replied back up at him.

" You think I am part of you! Part of you're family"! Thorin returns smiling at her " well then that's a glorious thought"! Thorin declared.

" and you my King must stay strong you have more strength in you than that Orc has in his little finger you will defeat him you have to .... it is you're right Thorin .... you're destiny to be King under the mountain"! Daisy tells him as they slowly walk the lower terrace.

" You know when my grandfather died I thought I'd never be as good as he was"! Thorin returned.

" Except what is it that you say? You are not your grandfather ..... No you're not you are Thorin Oakenshield and you will be a better king because that Mountain will make a stronger king you have to become that"! Daisy smiled sympathetically.

" Right at this moment perhaps I do not feel strong enough to carry my men though this journey". Thorin repiled sadly.

" Thorin Look at me! You are strong enough to lead these men they rely upon you I rely on you no matter how greater or less the issue they'll be there with you as I will .... if you should need me"!

" And what will do whence the Mountain had been reclaimed will you go back Baggend with Bilbo and become that marvellous blacksmith that you once were... return to your fathers forge ..... to the memories of your father and you're real family"? Thorin questioned.

" That'll depend on you my king! Whether you'd like me to stay and help you rebuild Erebour or whether youd want to leave as you said return to my forge and the memories of my father"! Daisy smiled.

" And you know I never could feel alone! Because I know that I have you..... and this Company"! Daisy cut in.

" Would you wish leave"? Thorin asked painfully.

The young woman shook her head silently giving him his answer.

" Good! Because I would not want you to.... forget me"! Thorin jokes toward her winking at her.

" Thorin Oakenshield! I could never forget you my king .... my favourite worrior"!

The prince lifted her hand to his pink lips and kissed it fervently.

The newly courting couple rounded the corner where they saw a fountain.

Thorin lead the young woman toward the fountain.

Thorin didnt care for all the attention that they had attracted now the Company were aware of their kate night whispering and cuddling late at night when they were asleep not that it was any of their business who they're leader was courting.

" Come! Sit beside me"! Thorin invited holding his huge hand out for her to take.

Daisy tentively took a step backward Thorin frowned at her.

" whatever's the matter? Come sit beside me"! Thorin coaxed.

" I really shouldn't! We'll have the Company talking and making mischief about us"! Daisy whispered.

" oh hush my darling! Now Come"! Thorin coaxed her.

Daisy tentively took the Kings hand as he lead gently lead her toward the edge of the fountain.

Thorin knew what he meant when he said " sit beside me"! What he actually meant was " Come! Sit on my lap"!

" No here Daisy"! Thorin whispered as he patted his right knee for her to sit on.

" Ah Thorin Oakenshield why I'm shocked"! Daisy playfully scorned him.

" You can't be scared of me surely"! Thorin smirked.

" Very well if you insist .... Then I will"! Daisy smiled.

Daisy took the princes awaiting hand and sat herself on his right knee.

Daisy chuckled at him.

" Now what do you suggest we do my King hmm"? Daisy asked.

" Allow me to tell you something I should have done when we together in youre Hobbit hole in Baggend"! Thorin began.

" Oh"! Daisy answered simply.

" this is going to be difficult for me to say! Daisy gave him a sweet adoring smile.

" Go on"! She promoted him.

" Hum! From the moment I walked into your cousins Hobbit hole I knew that I could not go on this journey without you have been supportive of me and the boys I'm lucky I know that you that walked into my life when you did. From the moment I saw you after I asked your cousin what his weapon of chose was and he said " Conkers"! I thought honestly it was done for then .... something changed when you spoke up. What was it you said " He might not be able to fight but I know how to handle a weapon .... I can fight"! In truth my hope of finding a burglar was all but lost.

" Thorin! I don't understand what are you trying to say"? She asked.

" oh to Mahal with it! What I'm trying to tell you is that I'm in love with you miss Harfoot I have been since we met in Baggend"!

Daisy could hardly believe what she was hearing she thought that kings weren't allowed to love because they had kingly duties to carry out I.e serving the people of Erebour as their ruler.

" love me Thorin Oakenshield truly"! Daisy wanted to confirm.

Without warning Thorin raised his huge hand and placed upon her left cheek smiling at her he felt tears pricking his eyes.

" Yes Miss Harfoot! I am truly in love with you my darling I cannot sleep for thinking of you and when you're near him as if somehow the pieces fit together"!

Daisy felt her own eyes fill up with tears as she sat there upon the kings knee. 

" Ha! Good because I'm happily madly in love with you too My King .... I love you"! Daisy whispered though the tears.

" Very well then! My Queen.... I love you with all my heart My one"! Thorin returns.

The young Hobbit woman leans into his warm palm of his huge hand savouring the warmth.

Suddenly a cold breeze blew across the couple that were sat quite closely together. The King had his head pressed against hers.

" Thorin Oakenshield you will be the finest ruler Erebour will ever have"! Daisy smiled as a tear slipped from her eye.

" Its getting cold my darling! We should get inside .... allow me to escort you back to you're bedchamber or at least just to the door"!

Daisy shook her head " no let us stay here for a while longer enjoy the moonlight together"!

(Chapter 11 completed please let me know what you think!! I'd greatly appreciate being shared,commented or voted on thankyou for your continued support love @EmilyPoole199 🙂❤❤)

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