Chapter 8

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Next morning the Company was up bright and early, Daisy had fallen asleep later than she expected too. Thorin woke to the light snoring sound of Daisy, smiling to himself he bent down to gently shake her awake.

" Hmm! W...what's going on"? Daisy asked in a dazed haze of being half asleep.

" We have to move on"! Thorin answered smiling softly at the tired young Hobbit woman.

Daisy gave the leader a lazy half smile before standing to pack up her bed roll.

Bilbo was already saddled.

Both Daisy and Thorin walked to his pony together arm in arm talking. Getting to the side of the pony Thorin lifts her onto his pony. She settled herself down then waited for the dwarf prince to swing into the saddle.

He took hold of the reigns and started to lead the Company off Daisy set her arms around him and headed off with him away from the cliffs edge after hearing Orc Sheriks last night Thorin and the Company were on high alert for ......

Orcs and Wargs.

Daisy kept her hand firmly on the sheathed sword as she was aware that Azog might be hunting the company.

For now, Bilbo beside Gandalf the Company near silence except for Daisy and Thorin.

" How are you feeling this morning"? Daisy asked the dwarf prince.

Thorin answered " Yes I am quite well thankyou"!

Daisy smiled sympathetically " No I mean after the hearing that Azog might be hunting us"! She explained further.

The dwarf prince turned his head slightly and smiled " I cannot let Azog beat and you cannot afford for him to destroy because it would destroy me"!

Daisy stared at him in wonderment " what does he it'll destroy him if Azog hunts me and decides to destroy me.... could it be that he has dare I say feelings for me"!

Daisy smiles softly to herself they rode though a wooded area this time just as they had done when they were riding away from the Shire.

Daisy smiled at the memory of her first meeting with this confident dwarf prince/King.

" Say brother! Started Kili, do you think that our uncle is admiring our Hobbit lass more"? Asks kili grinning to his brother.

Fili, the older and more sensible of the two princes turns to his brother and smiled back at him adoringly smiling replying " it does seem to be looking that way doesnt it"? Then Fili crossed a look to the older dwarf in the Company.... Balin.

" Balin! Do yer think that our Uncle is becoming more than just interested in our Hobbit burglars cousin"?  Asked Fili.

" Aye laddie! It does seem that they're budding friendship has grown somewhat over night"! Balin offered to them.

Kili butted in ... " but we think its more than just a friendship Balin"! He assumed.

Dwalin overheard this and shot Kili a warning look as if to say " don't presume anything....and stay out of uncles business"!

Kili bowed his head into submission as did his brother that was when they decided to play a little prank on the young unexpecting hobbit lass.

" Say Fili brother what if we hid Daisy's weapons somewhere while shes not looking"! Kili revealed.

Fili nodded in acknowledgment going along with this plan to hide her weapons from her but they knew if they dare to do then in all honesty .... shed none the less kill him or fight them both.

Saving The King's life - The Hobbit (Throin Oakenshield love story) Where stories live. Discover now