Chapter Three

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All of the dwarves stood there staring at her with open amusement but especially the two youngest ones in the group whose names she now knew to be ....

Fili and Kili.

Instead she used her time wisely to get know them just as the Wizard had suggested.

" so! Can somebody please tell me ... who is the leader of this adventurous group"!

Dwalin throws a look her way and smiles at her mischievously. Daisy on the other hand was brought up short by it she could not figure out why he smiled at the way he had.

" ooh my wee lass! You'll find out soon enough"!

Just then came three very loud thuds on the door.

" what in gods name? Who is that"? She thought.

Gandalf gave Daisy and Bilbo a pointed look then spoke " Daisy, bilbo you both Come with me"!

Daisy walked out of the kitchen into the hallway and stood on the side smoothing her dress down and swept her hair back out of her face she cupped her hands in front of her and waited for Gandalf to open the door.

As Gandalf opens the door it reveals a another dwarf this one was ever more than confident.

" oh I thought he was handsome but never did I imgaine this majestically handsome ... though why am I thinking like that I don't even know his name yet ... stay calm daisy you may get your time! Your time will come"! She thought.

" So! This is the Hobbit! ... tell me mr baggins have you done much fighting? What's your weapon of choice.... axe or sword"? Asked the dark haired dwarf.

" Bilbo baggins allow me to introduce the leader of our Company ...

Throin Oakenshield.

Daisy felt her heart race at the sound of this dwarves name she could not stop it all she had to do was just stand there and watch.

" Oh well I do have some skill at Conkers if you must know ... but i fail to see why that's revlant to this"! Comments Bilbo.

Daisy held in her laugh as she thought " if bilbo can fight I'm a paid piper"!

" Hmm! I thought as much! ... he looks more like a Grocer than a burglar"! Concluded the dwarf.

" He might not be able to defend himself or hold himself in a fight... but me on on the other hand... i can"! Daisy said loud enough for the dark haired dwarf to hear her.

The dark haired dwarf turned on his heel turning to face her as he turned he began to see who spoke to him just then.

" Who might you be ... little one"? Asked the dwarf looking down at her.

Daisy did the slightest curtsy to him.

Straightening herself ahe re cupped her hands in front of her and answered .....

" My name is Daisy Amaranth Harfoot ... y...your highness"!

" Oh my! Miss Harfoot! You have the presence of mind to curtesy to me and know I am prince .... I am surprised"!

Then, Throin took her left hand and placed it to his lips.

All the dwarves watched on in fascination at the scene before them.

Saving The King's life - The Hobbit (Throin Oakenshield love story) Where stories live. Discover now