Chapter 19

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Thorin was worried about Daisy how she'd handle the greedy Master of Laketown ans his measly little friend Alfred.

" you aren't allowed to be here"! Alfred sneered at her.

" No no! Lets not make any enemies yet do we"! Counteted the greedy master.

Alfred turned his back on the Hobbit woman. " well Thorin Oakenshield it seems you have made a very good alliance with this lass"! The greedy selfish master adjudged.

" She is not my alliance! She is my Queen"! Thorin spat back.

" and what have you promise the people of Laketown hmm a share in the treasure hidden in that Mountain"! The master sneered at him. Daisy couldnt stand the sight of him let alone the smell of him.

" That ... is for Thorin Our King under the Mountain to decide"! A voice spoke up from behind him. It was Bilbo baggins Daisy's cousin.

" Bilbo where you doing here"? Daisy asked irrated that hed left the company.

" I came looking for Daisy we have to move out this forsaken town .... The orcs are on our tail"!

" oh for mahals sake are they ever going give up"! Thought Daisy.

Daisy held Thorin's hand tighter he felt it and turned to her and noticing that she looked grave.

" what's the matter aramlime? You are quite pale"! Thori  observed.

Daisy leant closer " The orcs are on our tail Thorin"!

Thorin quickly looked Daisy then looked back at the master that was stood on the steps as if he were someone important.

" We have to move now"! Thorin decided grabbing Daisy's hand he headed back to bards to collect the others except Kili because he was injuried after the Orc shot an arrow that poisoned him.

Grabbing Daisy's hand Thorin ran toward the boat, " bilbo go back to the house and get the others tell em to come here"!

Thorin was stood behind her and slipped his hands around her waist.

" Oh Thorin ..... not now"! She whispered

Thorin nuzzled his head into her neck " I cannot wait for you to be in Erebour beside me every morning"!

" waking me beside me .... in my arms"! Thorin continued whispering in her ear his lips caught the edge of her ear.

" You are so beautiful Miss Harfoot"! Thorin praised when he allowed his lips to nibble at ear for a while before the others came.

She ducked away from him and then turned flicking her hair back out of the way.

" Am I? Oh right okay then... well that side of things can wait until we've reached the mountain and got rid of the dragon"!

Thorin caught her again and this time she did rebel she stood there in his arms.

" What side of things my Queen? You mean until after we're married"! Thorin finished off her sentence.

Saving The King's life - The Hobbit (Throin Oakenshield love story) Where stories live. Discover now