Chapter 10

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(This is the dress that Daisy wears when she stays at Lord Elrond's court in Riverdell)

Thorin and Daisy are separated for a little while, she was given a room by the elves. Ceallenda lord Elrond's head elf maid was with Daisy in her room. She was sneaking a peek of the window she turned and smiled at the young Hobbit woman....

" Your King is awaiting you"! Ceallenda tells her.

Indeed Daisy was still very weak but Daisy was determined to see her prince even though her body was strongly against it.

" Oh no! This tunic will not do wait here I will find you something more suitable for this occasion"! Ceallenda repiled.

" Take it off Miss Harfoot! I'll find you a nice gown to put on"! Ceallenda smiled directing her.

Quickly daisy stripped down to but the slip she was wearing beneath her drape tunic that was covered in dust.

Ceallenda quickly turned around to face daisy who stood there holding the slip up with her left arm. Yes it was true she was a human Hobbit woman and young boy she knew in Thorin's mind that did not matter.

Ceallenda held out the beautiful gown to her " What do you think"? She asked

" Oh my lord! Its beautiful.... its stunning"! Daisy gushed watching herself in the mirror suddenly a pang of guilt hit her like a pit of fire " wait! What if Thorin does not like it I'm dressed like one of them he hates elves"! Ceallenda must have heard her thinking this and she placed her hands on her shoulders.

" He's going to love you in this gown I can assure you"! Ceallenda reassured her smiling.

Then daisy looked down at her feet they were bare. Ceallenda smiled " do not worry I have just the thing Miss Harfoot"!

Daisy had rebraided her hair now she was ready to face Thorin but she just couldn't help being nervous about him what would he think if he saw her.

Taking a deep breath Daisy moved to the door Ceallenda watching her as she turned and smiled softly " thankyou for your help Ceallenda"!

" Don't worry about it I was glad to help you miss it's been a long time since I've helped anyone into a gown"! Ceallenda told her.

" Thankyou again Ceallenda"! Daisy smiled as the door swung open she stepped out into the sunlit hallway Thorin stood with his back to her.

Hearing the sound of gentle foot falls on the stone floor as Daisy departed the bedchamber in her beautiful elven gown Thorin whipped around to see his one standing there in the most beautiful gown he'd ever seen Daisy smiled and curtised " My lord"! She smiled as she did so. Thorin smiled softly down at her.

" Rise ghisveishel! No ones about"! He whispered into her ear. Turning to the side Thorin offered his arm to her smiling widely her blue eyes shining brightly against the sun she accepted. " May I have the pleasure my lady"? Asked Thorin

Daisy smiled " yes you may ... My King"! Profusely.

Everytime she was near him the future king of Erebour the two walked the lower garden in peaceful silence, as they walked Thorin could admire her beauty, as they walked together arm in arm. After a while she broke it .....

" Thorin! You do know that I'm no lady I do not have a title I am only quite little Hobbit girl"! she smiled at him.

" please do not talk such nonsense ghisveisheluh"! Thorin returns.

" what does that mean Thorin? I'm sorry I'm ignorant of your language I know nothing of it"! Daisy asked.

Thorin simply smiled " you are not being ignorant ghisveisheluh your perfect and ghisveisheluh means my treasure"! He explained.

Saving The King's life - The Hobbit (Throin Oakenshield love story) Where stories live. Discover now