Chapter 17

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The Company were eventually out of the way of the elevan King Daisy was still seriously unwell she was drowsy and still somewhat unconscious. Just then, there was a soilutte if a man of a man standing behind Ori that was about fire. Dwlain picked up and was about throw a rock.

" Do it again and your dead"! The man spoke.

The company faced him with a quiet observation with Daisy was nearly unconscious after what happened to her.

Thorin rushed to her side he placed his warm arm about her shoulder Daisy lay her head on his shoulder.

Thorin whispered " You okay"?

Daisy silently nodded he looked at her he was concerned that the bleeding was getting worse.

She winced and grimaces at the pain that was rushing though her.

" I'm fine truly"! Daisy said

" You cannot be my darling .... you're bleeding heavily"! Thorin tried to reason.

" no I'm fine honestly stronger than you think Thorin Oakenshield"! Daisy said weakily. In truth she was very tired but she kept looking at Thorin smiling " I know what happened in the Woodland realm Thundrail's gaurds raped me"!

By this time Thorin was seething not ar Daisy but at Thundrail. " What? He allowed his gaurds to rape you .... thw next time I see him I'll have his head"! Thorin declared.

Thorin smiled brushing the hair around her face " you need sleep Sweetheart I have to get back to Company ..... aramlime I love you"! Thorin propped up the pillows for her and tucked her in and kissed her forehead gazing into her eyes he smiled " Go to sleep recover probably"! Thorin smiled.
Daisy smiled and repiled " Thorin! I love you"!
" Maybe I should get Oin to check you over i want to know that your safe and well enough to come back with me to the Mountain ... hush sleep"!

Thorin kissed her forehead again and left the room.

Downstairs the Company were awaiting news on the lass they all worried about her.

" How is the lass Thorin"? Balin asked.

" shes resting for now she won't let any man near her except me"! Thorin whispered.

" that's because she trusts you laddie .... I believe its more than that.... you're in love with her aren't you"? Asked Balin.

Thorin groaned he was tired too but he had the lass to worry about and the Mountain.

Fili came over to Thorin " Will she be alright Thorin"?

" Yes Fili she'll be fine if she can just rest without disturbances she'll be fine ..... I knew she liked you Uncle.... when did you tell her"? Asks Asks Fili

" That's enough Fili..... please I need to be with her I hate it when shes on her own"!

(Daisy screams)

" God what was that"? Asked Sigrid.

" That was Daisy she must've had a bad dream .... if you'll excuse me"! Thorin slightly smiled.

He hastened upstairs to her she was sweating and shaking Thorin rushed to her side.

" ghisveishel! What is it? What's wrong"? Thorin asked panicked.

Thorin sat beside on the bed with arm about her shoulder. Sigrid came up " Forgive me Master Oakenshield! I'll go and get some tea perhaps that'll calm her down .... or do you want one you're men come up"!

Thorin smiled at the girl he knew she was trying to help. " Tea would fine thanks I don't think shes up seeing too many men at the moment"! Thorin offered.

Daisy was laying her head on Thorin's shoulder. He held her tighter to him " I swear if I catch him ... I'll kill him for what hes done to you my darling"!

Though the tears she sobbed smiling " You cannot do anything yet you are not King under the mountain"!

Thorin firmly planted a kiss on her head again " hum! I know I'm not ghisveishel unknown I'm not telling you when I am .... those gaurds that did this to you .... they'll be hung"! Thorin determined.

Daisy fell asleep mindlessly on Thorin's shoulder he stayed there Sigrid came back with the tea. Sigrid smiled ....

" Bless her ... shes done in look why don't I put the tea here when she wakes up she can have it"!

" Thank you"! Thorin smiled slightly at the girl

Sigrid quietly went back downstairs.

Thorin had chosen to stay put.

He may beside her keeping hold of her small dainty hand he was glad she was asleep it would keep her from thinking back to that awful incident in the woodland realm. Thorin closed his eyes and woke the next hour 6th hour.

When he woke he found the space that Daisy occupied empty. " what the... wheres she gone"? Thorin thought panicked.

Opening his eyes he saw her standing looking out at the sun raising over the Mountain. She breathes " beautiful"! Thorin smiles to see her face smiling to himself he gets up off the bed and wraps his arm around her waist placing a gentle kiss on her cheek.

" Good morning aramlime ... how are you feeling"? Thorin whispered into her ear lowly.

" I'm fine my love .... thanks to you you know something I've relieased just how much I could've lost .... I could've lost you"! Daisy smiled at him lovingly.

" I couldn't bare it if I lost you my darling I love you too much to lose you"! Thorin repiled.

" Sigrid brought some tea up for you but I I daresay it's gone cold now ... come we should go downstairs the Company theyvd been worried sick about you! Especially Fili"! Thorin smiles into her hair. They both turned arm in arm and walked downstairs together happily smiling.

Bilbo was standing the window that Thorin stood staring out of.

Daisy looked about the room for him finding him she rushed towards him.

" Bilbo"! Daisy rushed to his arms Thorin smiled softly as the two Hobbit cousins embraced.

" Thank God you're okay Daisy little cousin"! Bilbo beamed back at her.

" Its Thorin that helped me.... regain my strength he is my strength"! Daisy spoke looking back at the dwarf prince.

Thorin came to her side and lightly kissed her knuckles " You know that's not true aràmlíme"!

Daisy lifted her head " It is to me my love my King"!

Daisy turned her head her toward the window then turned it back to Thorin smiling softly " It won't be long my love.... then you'll have achieved what you set to do .... you'll have a home, Throne, and a crown"!

" Aren't you forgetting someone else"? Thorin beamed against her hair as he had his arms wrapped around her waist. " No ... who"? Daisy turned to face him he pressed his head against his " You dearest one .... you as my Queen"!

Saving The King's life - The Hobbit (Throin Oakenshield love story) Where stories live. Discover now