Chapter 4

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The dwarves and the Hobbits had been in the Hobbit hole for more than two hours Throin Oakenshield the leader of this Company was entranced by her.... the beauty that was Hobbit woman sat there beside him.

Bilbo was reading though the contract that Balin had handed him.

Out of the blue he collapsed.

Daisy was not impressed by his behaviour in front of the prince.

Daisy rolled her eyes she smiled at all dwarves before bent to try revive him.

" For heavens sake Bilbo! ...... WAKE UP"! she grunted slapping him hard across the face. Bilbo looked up at her dazed his eyes beginning to see his pretty cousin clearly.

" you are a complete fool Bilbo baggins humph ... come let's get you up"! Daisy smiled.

Throin watched the Hobbit cousins talking Bilbo was still dizzy from fainting.

" Right! You Baggins look at me! Hold on to me I'm going to put my arm around your waist to support you more"! Daisy smiled playfully.

Daisy gripped bilbos waist tightly being careful not hurt him he was such a big girls blouse when it came to fighting.

She gently lead him into the lounge and sat him down. The wizard Gandalf followed shortly afterward.

" Stay here Bilbo... I'll go and get you some tea hum maybe that'll bring you to your senses"! Daisy winked at him.

Turning to the wizard Gandalf she asked " will you stay here with him while I fetch some tea for him"?

" of course Daisy Harfoot .... that's why I'm here for"! Answered the wizard.

" Really! You do surprise me Mr Gandalf"! Daisy playfully says back at him. The wizard chuckles at her and Daisy returns to the kitchen to get Bilbo some tea.

To get the kitchen she had to cross the hallway from where she stood she could see Throin and Balin talking by the door.

She stayed put for a little whole watching the two converse she was struck by how handsome the prince was.

Deciding to go for it, she kept her head down as she walked across the hall.

" Excuse me gentlemen"! Spoke daisy as she in their path Throin had to refrain himself from reaching out and touching her hand. He watched her as she caught his gaze scuttling off toward the kitchen to fetch Bilbo some tea.

" you are fond of the Hobbit lass aren't you lad"? Asks balin noticing he was still looking in the direction of the ond she went in.

" No of course not Blain my friend"! Throin returned with a smile.

" Yes you are laddie I can tell by that smile you have plastered over your lips"! Balin chuckled.

A short while later Daisy came back the way she came with a mug of hot sugary tea for Bilbo. Carrying it carefully she passed the prince and his companion.

" Evening gentleman"! She smiled at them both.

When Daisy re entered the room where bilbo was sat with Gandalf she handed her cousin the sugary hot tea and stood in the corner of the room with her arms folded watching Bilbo and the wizard Gandalf the grey talk.

" No I cannot help them ... I'm sorry gandalf I am a baggins of Baggend! I do not go on any kind of adventures ..... that's ludicrous"! Explained bilbo.

Daisy heard enough of her ridiculous cousin talking rubbish (as he often had done in the past)

" That's it! I've heard enough of your ridiculous talk Bilbo baggins if you won't help them .... then I will I cannot afford to defend you,myself and the Company ... I will help them"! Daisy answered him decidedly.

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