Chapter 20

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" Thorin! My love ....are you absolutely sure you can trust him"? Daisy asked him holding his hand tightly.
Thorin smiles back at her and repiled " We must if we're get to get what we widened for my darling one"!
" yes but Thorin listen to me... what if he cheats you...wgstll happen then the quest would've been nothing ..... I'll have saved you for nothing"! Daisy pleaded.
" well then if he decides to cheat me then we'll go it alone we've done so far on this journey"! Thorin returns.
" what's say you dwarf? What's say ....we exchange that pretty classic yours....for the gold inside that mountain. The master greedily spoke.

" She could marry alfred here"! The master proposed.
" No one is exchanging her shes mind and if you even so much as lay a hand upon her .... I'll kill you myself"! Thorin threatened.
" what's say you little one"? The master asked Daisy.
" I say this.... I would not marry alfred even if you paid me"! Daisy answered.

" Gaurds arrest her"! Shouted the master of Laketown.
" What no she has nothing to do with this.... let her go shes an innocent she has helped us.... she saved the Kings life"! The company foward work Bilbo.
" She saved who? Did you say? .... The King ..... you have no king beneath the Mountain that's impossible"! The master spoke again.

His appearance repulsed Daisy she was appalled at alfred too they needed to be washed and cleaned the town hadn't had been seen like it was in its former days.

" Hold your tongue you do not to whom you speak ..... this is    no common criminal.... this Thorin Son of Thrain son of Thror"!
" Yes yes I know whom he is .... he has no claim to the mountain though does he"? Smirked the master

After everything that her and Thorin had been though on this Journey they're not going to sacrifice their love for each other for this upstart who calls himself the master of lake town.

" No one goes near that mountain"! Bard shouted.
" who told this bard? He must its his birthright the throne of Erebour he is the prince and he will take the crown back"! Daisy told him firmly.
" there's a dragon in that mountain... you're mad if you dare go anywhere it or him"! Bard shouted back.

The crowd seemed to believe everything that Bard was saying.

Thorin let go of Daisy's hand and stood on the steps of the great house.

" Listen to me all of yer .... if I get inside that Mountain which I will ... all of you will share the riches within in it I promise you that"! Thorin smiled.

" Thorin think about this..... we have not reclaimed the mountain yet"! Thought Daisy

" If so wish to listen to this nay sayer then that's you're choice ... I warn you Youre decision now will cost dearly later on"! Thorin warned them.

" Let us not forget that it was girdon who failed to kill the beast the first time hmm"! The master spoke putting at Bard.

" Thorin! Son of Thrain son of Thror I say unto you ... welcome and thrice"! spoke the master clearly.

It was clearly made vouis for Daisy because she remembered taking rest with the elves and Thorin only trusted them because of her.

That evening there a feast at the masters house and the dwarves of Erebour were merrily feasting on delicious food while Thorin watched on.

Bilbo seeks more quieter approach to the celebrations he went off to find a book.

Thankfully, Daisy had brought one or two with her that shed hidden in the bottom of her rucksack.

She too, was fatigued from the journey and shed not slept in a proper bed for ages so she went in search of a room for the night.

" Ah Daisy lass! Won't you have a dance with me"? Dwlain smiled with a twinkle present in his eye.
" Alas no Dwalin ... not tonight hmmm"! Daisy gently declined.

Dwlain knew the real reason for why she didn't want to dance with him.

" I know I know! You're saving you're dances .... for Thorin aren't yer"? He teased her.
" Brother! Leave the wee lass alone ... shes tired lay her go to bed"! Balin chuckles.

Thorin watched as she snuck put of the feasting hall and down one of the corridors. He followed her shadow until she stopped at balcony as she entered a room, before she could close the door on the rowdy feasting and merriment of the Company Thorin placed his hand on the door to stop her from shutting it.

" Ah daisy Aramlime! Whatever's the matter"? Thorin asked softly.

" Nothing's wrong Thorin my love! I just need quiet that's all getting a headache from the merriment"! Daisy smiled.

She knew that having Thorin standing there in the corridor was risky.

" my lord cannot be here what if someone sees you or one of the Company... what then"? Daisy asked concerned.

" they won't.... Come"! Thorin took her hand and lead her to a bedroom.

" in here? Thorin whispered as he stepped aside to let her in

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" in here? Thorin whispered as he stepped aside to let her in. She was taken back by the grande of the room.

" Thorin! She eventually breathed as secretly an arm about her waist shifting her hair to other side off her neck he placed a train of kisses down her neck.

" Oh my darling One! I love you"! Thorin breathed against her neck.

" I know you do"! She breathed half turning when her nose met his she gently rubbed it against his.

" I can't wait to get you back to the Mountain"! Thorin breathes again.

" You'll be my Queen then"! He continued.

" My love I can't be you're Queen I'm far to small I'm a Hobbit not a dwarf you have to someone whose like you .... and worthy of the name Queen"! Daisy answered hesitantly.

Thorin planted another kiss on her neck Daisy felt herself glowing for him she couldnt help it.

" Thorin! Please"! She begged him.

Thorin then turned her to face him cupping her face he titled her head back and started to kiss her with abandon. At that moment everything up until that moment turned bleak and her head was cleared of all conscious thought. The Kings hands moved from her cheeks as he continued to unlace her stays at the back of her bodice.

Daisy was out of it she felt the warmth tumble though her as she felt his warm hands at her back.

Thorin came round her now, " Oh I think you'll make a perfect Queen"! He smiled.

" I'm just a Hobbit lass"! Daisy sounded defeatist now Thorin frowned at her and repiled " No Daisy Harfoot! You are made higher to me because you put your life on the line to save mine I couldn't ask for a better Queen"!

Daisy shook her head timidly at him " I'm not one of you"!

" That doesnt matter to me my darling One I love you more than that damned gold in the Mountain"! Thorin told her.

" oh my love if I had it my way I'd have it father back here in a heartbeat so he could see that I was happy with you"! Daisy managed to choke out

" I know my One I know"! Thorin told her solemnly.

" you know something I would like my father back too but hes not here but I bet you'd approve of you"! Thorin smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2022 ⏰

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