Chapter 18

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Thorin had tried everything to be as reasonable as anyone a put reclaiming the Mountain.

" daisy? Aramlime what are you doing"? Thorin whispered. Daisy gave a curt look " you think I'm going to let you do this alone and without my help Thorin Oakenshield you're sadly mistaken"!

Thorin had never seen her as feisty as this except for when she was fighting the orcs off when they escaped The Woodland realm Thundrail's kingdom.

" my darling you're still hurt i will not risk it again ... please go  back to Brad's house and stay there in safety"! Thorin spoke softly.

"Is it you're wish that you should discard me after everything I've done I've been saving your life armalime why you would discard me now and send me back to bards house Thorin if you go back to that bloody mountain and fight that dragon alone .... well then all I can say is his.... God help you". Daisy spoke firmly.

Thorin bowed his head in relented " very well ghisveishel"!

" who is this Master Oakenshield"? Asked the master of me  on the lake Daisy knew him to greedy selfish.

" This is Daisy.... she is soon to be my Queen"! Thorin rejoined.

" I see? And what is her purpose in coming here"? Asked the greedy master.

Daisy stood firm " My purpose is to get these dwarves rightfully where they belong.... there in that mountain it is Thorin's birthright and if you don't like it then you know what you can do"!

Saving The King's life - The Hobbit (Throin Oakenshield love story) Where stories live. Discover now