A Hybrid's Master (Chapter 14) ~ My Last Wish

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A Hybrid’s Master (Chapter 14) ~ My Last Wish

            The earth, fox’s lair, I was in was cold and hard, just like my heart. I was broken. I can’t be repaired. My heart won’t go on for I am lost. My soul is crushed and broken. Being completely alone for the first time is terrifying. I am truly scared for the first time.

            While I was here in this place surrounded by foxes I learned that I was totally alone with no hope. I wanted to die. My feelings of affection would never be expressed or returned. I couldn’t go on. With everything that has happened I have never been lost. I was always guided with the thought that I would meet my mate. My heart and soul, the person I was made for, Alex.

            Just thinking his name brought pain into my heart again. His smile, his hair, his care, his sex, and his temporary love. Everything about him made me sad. How we could never be one. His body was what kept me stable, and without that, I realized, I would die. I would die soon and I will not be able to replace him, the person my love was created for, Alex. Alex is that name that my soul will forever whisper into the dark of faith, the faith to my mate.  

            I just hope that when I’m gone Alex will find a mate he can show off. Even if something great were to happen, like me being alive for a while, Alex couldn’t show me off to the world. I would be some sort of freak. I wouldn’t want Alex to be like that.

            With the energy in my body being drained I could feel it move to my pecs. My right nipple was killing me. I looked down to see the steady chain tattoo start to roll. It was moving inside my body. The chain slithered to my left nipple and wound itself to connect both pecs. The chains kept moving until the tattoo stayed and stilled. My energy was gone and I whimpered for him. I really needed Alex, but I can’t. I can’t have him.

            I know that now. My body is going to die, and I will leave this place. I cannot keep going on like this. I have to move on and go to another place that welcomes me with open arms. I won’t be here for much longer, for my energy is draining quickly. The power loss affected my body terribly and I was scared. Scared of being alone, scared of dying and worse yet I’m scared of dying alone.

            A voice crept into my mind. Her kind words made me want to move on and live, but my actual strength pulled me back to knowing I couldn’t

            Kristopher, are you okay? Is there something that you need? You’re awfully pale. Please stand up and talk to me.

            “I can’t move anymore. I am weak, and I need Alex. I need and love him badly, but I know he won’t come. I hurt him and now he doesn’t care. I hurt him bad. I can’t look at him anymore. I so ashamed. If I could see him one more time.." My vision got blurred and I couldn’t see. My tears fell lightly. “If I could see him one more time I would say I’m sorry and tell him to find someone who will love him more than me.”

            Hold on Kristopher. Please don’t leave yet. I will have my mate look for him, okay? Stay and keep alive until he gets here.

            “Okay.” I whispered.

            I couldn’t tell if she was there or not. All I could remember was the pain I put him through. My mind flashed back to what happened and what I said. His face held relief when I told him he could go. He really doesn’t want to be with me. I must be the monster that he thinks I am.

            I should have never tried for him as a mate. Nobody could love me. If I wasn’t to be loved by my destined mate then I am pathetic. There is perfect looking specimen and I am mated to him, and he doesn’t want me. Maybe it’s because he is much better to look at then me. His eyes are grey and cloudy. The cloudy you see when you think of fog and mystery. It was as if his eyes held a powerful secret, a secret I couldn’t obtain even if I wanted.

            His arms were another great part of him. His forearms, the part connected to his hands, were slim and was so muscular at the same time. His arms, the part that is connected to the shoulder, were extremely thick with muscles. I always wondered how he could lift things so easily.

            His central body was like a work of art. His pecs were sexy. They did look like they were dropping like a waterfall to the floor, they were perfect. Each had the nipple in place where they were firm and reachable and visible. His eight-pack abs was sexy as hell. I would never take my eyes off them if I could. They were solid and flat at the same time. I think they call them, uh what was it again, Washboard abs? Well they were very appealing to me.

            His legs were so firm, and slightly hairy. He didn’t need to shave his leg hairs; they were naturally smooth and sexy.

            His skin was the main part that held him together. His creamy white skin that was never tan. It reminded me of mayonnaise. The color was so lovely I wanted to lick at it all day.

            I knew though I could never have him. I took one last look down at my chest to see the chain like tattoo was formed into the one shape I couldn’t express anymore. I couldn’t stand to see anymore to I looked away. The tattoo only reminded me of the pain I would have to stand from now on.

            I could feel my body start to shut down from the energy loss. Slowly moving to my brain. My tail moved, slowly, to my chest. I hugged it to my chest and let a few more tears lose and closed my eyes. I could still feel the heat produced by the other Foxes. It was heat, but it wasn’t the heat I need to survive. I needed Alex’s heat.

            I could barely picture his face for I was slipping. I was slipping slowly into a deep sleep. When my energy leaves my body completely my changes would have been in vain. My cat form and final royal form would be gone and I will be remembered not.

            When my energy finally slipped pushing me into a dark abysmal realm I could only think of the tattoo that was on my chest, the sign that I would never be able to give or take, a heart. I want my last wish to come true. I wish I could have one last night with Alex full of passion and love.



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