A Hybrid's Master (Chapter 7) - Painful Realization

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  • Dedicated to Jacqueline Jezaree Rivera

A Hybrid’s Master (Chapter 7) – Painful Realization

            As I started to regain consciousness I realized that Alex was not in bed with me. I moved my left hand to search for him out of instinct. I mean I am a mated male Hybrid. We search for out mate when we want anything.

            As my hand didn’t find Alex’s warm body on the other side of the bed I got a sense of panic. My instincts searched for him again. My hand found his side of the bed and I found there was still some heat there. I used the bond that was created last night and found his body in the kitchen. He looked toasty warm and comfortable.

            There was a shower nearby. I wanted to open my eyes, but the light was too bright for me. It was like every window was open and all of the sun’s rays were pointed at me. I soon remembered that I was a slave and I was to do as I was told.

            I opened my eyes and my cat like eye pupil slit closed a bit to get used to the light. My cat like eyes allowed me to adjust to the intensely bright light. I blinked a few times and soon I could see and the light wasn’t too bright.

            There was a bathroom connecting to this room and I had to take a shower. No one wanted a dirty slave walking around the house. I walked into the bathroom and took a shower.

            There was nothing like being a clean Hybrid. I loved being clean. My ears were furry and could detect any sound close enough within my range and any pitch that was uttered. I looked down on my body to see something that shocked me. My right nipple area had tattoos. The black patterns had the effect to look like chains. The chains were unfinished, but they led to my left nipple.

            My tail was my favorite part of my body. It was bushy. I loved the way that if you touched it, it felt like silk. The expensive silk that people look for in India. The fine texture of my tail was so exotic, I’d been told, and now only one male would be the only one that was able to touch me so intimately.

            My mate is the only one who will protect me, no matter what. My mate, it seems so strange that I actually have a mate, with the considered fact that I’m gay. My mate, my mate, my mate. I can’t stop saying it in my mind. I was so happy. I took my towel and dried my human like figure. The rough fabric was not kind, but I made due. I had to realize that I am still a slave.

            I am someone that serves Alex as a slave. I do whatever he wants me to do.

            After I finished drying my body I left the room. I shut the door quietly and walked to the Kitchen in my glory.

            There was a smile on my face until I saw Alex walk out of the Kitchen door and walk to a limo. I saw Maria standing there with her lovely clothes on. Her tail was waving all around the room.

            “Maria, where is Master going? I thought that he would spend the day making love to me.” I was sad. In tradition after the transformation the mated Hybrids made love the whole day, establishing their connection even further.

            “Well Alex has a meeting in twenty minutes in New York, and he figured that you could take the day to figure out how to use your Cat Form. I’ll help you, since I too am a Cat Hybrid.”

            “Okay Maria. Thank you.” Maria and I set out to the backyard. When Maria opened the door I was amazed at what I saw.

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