A Hybrid's Master (Chapter 10) - The Lies Were Realized

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A Hybrid’s Master (Chapter 10) – The Lies Were Realized          

            I started to wake up. My ass was in pain. I couldn’t fathom why until I remembered what happened between Alex and me. I was so in love with him. I just didn’t want anything else. I could live through live with just his love. All I need is the love of my Master, I can’t even get that, yet. I hope that I can win him over.

            I felt him slip awake. And I looked him in the eyes.

            “I love you so much Master.” His eyes got dark and he frowned.

            “Why do you always say that! I don’t like it. I just came to have sex with you so you wouldn’t die. Don’t. Ever. Try. To. Die. Ever. Again. I don’t want to have to save you again. Don’t get any ideas about us. I mean what I said about now being able to love you, ever.” He said it so calmly and in a harsh tone that I just didn’t want to fight him. I unwrapped my tail from his waist and got out of bed.

            I made my way to the shower in the room and I went in. The water was warm and soothing but it didn’t take away the pain of his words. I fell to the floor and started to sob. I knew it was too good to be true. I can’t find love from anyone. I just couldn’t believe that the assholes that worked the auction house were right.

            What did I do to deserve this? Was this a punishment for some previous life? Was this for something that I had coming for wanting? I just didn’t understand what it is that went wrong.

            Don’t I deserve love? Apparently I don’t. What can I do to have him at least be nice to me forever.

            When I cleaned myself off, my face, my body, my insides, and my wonderful tail. I hugged my tail to my body. I didn’t want to be here. I didn’t want to feel this pain from being told that I would never be loved by the person I was made to love.

            I forgot one thing. I have to take back the tattoo that marked on his skin. I hoped, with all my might, that he would understand and accept me for who I am and what I am. I was just keeping myself from seeing the truth that I’m ugly. The only reason why a mate would reject the other from reaching true love is the physical form.

            I was hoping that I was cute enough that he would see me, I mean really see me. I wished that he could see my true form.

            I could just see my true form. I was completely naked with my tail smooth as silk, my body slim and creamy white, my red hair soft and long and my crown with my ears holding it. I was just so in love with my true form that I wanted to share it with him, but in order to do that Alex needs to say that he loves me.

            I know that he never will, but he said, last night, that I could tell him that I love him, and now he tells me that I can’t. Why is he so bipolar?

            I finished my shower and wrapped a towel around my waist. I walked out and saw Maria there. She was holding an outfit and she was smiling. Her hands reached out to give me the clothes and she was curious.

            “So, what happened? Are you two happy?” She really wanted me to say yes to all of those questions, but all I could do was slowly loose my cool. I started to slowly slid down to the floor until Maria caught me half way. I felt the tears start to fall. I just couldn’t stop them from falling down. I had my heart torn out by the man I wanted as my love, friend, lover, and soul mate.

            “What happened? Honey, you need to stop crying and start telling me what the hell happened between you and him?”

            “Last night he was so charming, sexy, loving, and so fucking good in bed. This morning he was mean, cold, vicious. He told me that last night was worth nothing and that he didn’t want to even hear me say that I love him. I love him Maria, I love him so much. There is nothing that I wouldn’t do for that man. I mean I’m ugly. Don’t deny it; I mean why else would he reject me the way he does. I don’t want to leave him, and I don’t want him to leave me, so I’m going to do my best to keep him happy, because that’s all that I want. I just want him to be happy, but it has to be with me.” I smile at the last remark, but it fades when Alex steps into the room again.

            “You want to make me happy? Well, Kris? Do you want to make me happy!” He screamed at the top of his lungs.

            “Yes Master. I want you to be happy.”

            “Then get out! Get out of my house. Put on those clothes and get out. Find your own place to stay and get out of my life!”

            I started at him in disbelief. I just couldn’t fathom what was happening.

            ‘If you want to make him happy you have to get out of his life. He doesn’t want a stupid slave to be attached to a great man like him. You need to know that he is a better life form then you are.’ I could hear my thoughts rolling, and forming into the ideas that made sense. I could understand why he was doing this. I know why he doesn’t want me here. It’s because I’m a bad object. He can’t be seen with me because I’m trash. I know that I have to get out of here to make him happy, and that’s all I want.

            “Okay Master. If you really want me to leave then, I will. I’m sorry you had to put up with this piece of trash.” I couldn’t keep the pain in my voice. 

            “Kristopher! Don’t you dare say that about yourself. I don’t want to hear that. You are not a piece of trash, and you are not ugly.” Maria’s face was so red, she was pissed. “And you Alex, you better take back what you said about wanting him out, because he does not deserve to be thrown out.”

            “Leave it alone Maria. If he wants me out, then I’ll leave and find my way.” I looked at Alex and smiled. “Thank you for saving me from the auction house. I’ll just put on my clothes and leave. I’m sorry, again, for being a bother to you. I really do Lo” I stopped myself from saying the painful emotion. I let a tear loose and put on the clothes. I walked passed Alex and left the house bare foot.

            I had no shoes, socks, food, money, house, love, friends, relatives, life, and no ambition to live. I just didn’t want to try. I started to cry again. I couldn’t help it; I was alone again, but this time I didn’t have anyone to turn to as a way for help.

            I didn’t take a hat, so I couldn’t hide my ears, but my tail could be hidden inside my shirt.

            The road I was walking on led me to a fancy called baverlly halls, Beverly Hills. I didn’t know too many words so that is how I pronounced it.

            I walked and walked. I was so tired and thirsty, but I kept walking. I couldn’t stop where I was. There was another road that had a sign. It read, ‘To Mountains’. I knew that my Fox half was a survivor in the Mountains, so I took that route.

            I could smell everything here. The smell of the trees, the other animals, the mud, the dirt, the plants, and it was like I was in a whole new world. It was a world where I could start over and learn to live in a natural habitat.

            These woods could help me live here. I could find a way to survive here. I realized after feeling this flock of trees that this place would be my new home and that I was free. Free from being hurt, free from being humiliates, free from being told what to do, and free from being owned.



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