A Hybrid's Master (Chapter 19) ~ He's Back...

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A Hybrid’s Master (Chapter 19) ~ He’s Back…

            After Alex and I finished making love we kept going and made even more love in the bathroom as we were taking a shower. I personally believe shower sex is much more fun than regular sex on a bed because of the excitement of having to be embracive, and to do it makes me feel loved and safe from harm.

            Alex fell asleep after the long shower and I laid my head on his smooth and firm chest. My fingers traced the muscles that separated the two pectoral muscles and I kissed each nipple. I love this man, my master. I want to keep him happy and I would do anything and everything to keep him happy. I keep my hand on his chest, tracing everything—his pecs, nipples, abs, and bellybutton. I love every inch of this man with everything cell of my body. My body years for his touch.

            My ears fall flat to my head as I feel his hand pet my head. “Did I wake you, Alex?”

            “Kind of.” My hand falls away and I flinch from his touch. “Don’t flinch. It’s not a bad thing. I like you touch. I love the feel of your smooth skin on my chest, it makes me feel love and most of all, wanted. When you show me this interest of my body it…it makes me feel attractive. I feel like I’m the sexiest man alive.”

            “You are,” I say with no hesitation. “Your body is the thing that turns me on.”

            “I love you, Kris”

            “I love you too, Alex.” We kiss and go to sleep with my head on his smooth and firm chest.

            I stare at Alex’s sleeping form as he is still asleep underneath me. My small, light body on top of his smooth and muscular one and I was relaxed with this position. My lips pressed to his and his eyes opened. I pulled back, but his hand stopped me and he pressed me tighter against him. His other arm circled around my waist and he pulled me closer. My tail moved and wrapped around his waist to hold him closer as well. We were attacking each other with tongue when the door opened.

            We turned to see the butler inn the doorway. “Sir, Master Andrews is here.” I looked down at Alex for an explanation since I don’t know who that is. Alex pushed me off him and ran for the bathroom. I walked to the shower, naked and opened the glass shower door. His naked body is struggling to wash his back and I step in. I grab the sponge from his hand, but his hand reaches out and slaps me. I fall against one of the glass doors. I grip my left cheek. It stings and I look down.

            I don’t know why but I change my color. My orange ears and tail change to white and I lost my heart. My soul shattered and reverted to what it was before Alex…I mean Master bought me. I felt a single tear shed from my eye and I let it run down my wet body. I stand up and open the glass door leading out of the shower. Master obviously doesn’t need my help. I walk out of the bathroom, still nude and dripping wet. My legs carry my body out of the room and I see a man standing there. I look up to see two dark brown eyes looking back at me. The brown is so dark it almost blends into the pupil.

            His hand comes and slaps me in the face. “Never look at a man in the eyes. Ever.” His tone is menacing and I become scared.

            “Yes, sir.” I look down to my feet and I walk to my left, to the staircase. I keep walking and I soon find myself inside my old room.

            The memories of this room haunt me. This is where I first changed into a cat. The memory is vivid in my mind. I can recall things that happened in this room. I remember the time I almost killed myself with scissors. I start wishing that Alex…I mean Master had let me die that day, but he forced me to live.

            I go to the bed and lie down and falling asleep knowing that I will be waking as a new person. I will become the slave that Master bought those few weeks ago.

            I stood still under the spray of the water. The cool water helping me come to a clear state of mind. I was getting into what happened more and more. I hit Kris for trying to help me clean my back. After everything I did to get him back I hurt him once again...and for what. Some idiot bastard who used to control me? I can’t believe I am falling into this routine again. This pattern of him turning a switch and making into the vicious monster that he wanted me to be.

            Kris’ face as he walked out after I hit him was horrifying. His whole body just…slumped. It’s like he gave up on everything. His posture was poor and he wouldn’t look at me. When the tear fell off his face and joined the water cascading to the drain I lost his control and froze. I hadn’t realized what I’d done until I saw him leave.

            I finished my shower and wrapped a towel around my waist. As I walked into my room I saw one the one thing that makes me flinch from my past. My…”Dad.” I became nervous. “What are you doing here?”

            “Is that any way to greet your father?”

            “Yes, in my own home.”

            “Fair enough. I just came by because I have a business deal that has to be taken care of and I need a place to stay, so what do you say. Can your old man stay a while?”

            “Define a while.”

            “Two to three weeks.”

            “Okay. There are some ground rules. One: keep off the backyard, it is my favorite place to go, because I had it re-done for my pleasure. Two: Do not go in the pool without shaving your chest hair. I don’t want to have my filter filled with little gray hairs. The last rile: Never disrespect me when you are here, ever. Do you understand that?”

            “Yes, son.”

            “Good. I’ll have Maria show you your room.” I stepped out of my room and called Maria. When she appeared I told her to escort my father to his room, on the farthest side of the house. I re-entered the room with Maria in tow and told him, “I told Maria where I assigned you to be in the house.”

            “Okay.” He got up and followed Maria out of the room and I let out a huge breath as he closed the door behind him. I collapsed on the bed and stared at the ceiling. My heart was breaking and I knew why. I know what I had done when I was in the shower. I know that I have to




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