A Hybrid's Master (Chapter 11) - You Hide, I Seek. I Win

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A Hybrid’s Master (Chapter 11) – You Hide, I Seek, I Win

            Once again I was hounded by Maria.

            “What the hell was that! Why did you, once again, screw things up?”

            “Well last night he and I had sex. After he told me he loved me he came and passed out. After I came I looked into his open eyes and realized that he wasn’t there, but the Cat’s spirit was, and it was telling me to let it bite me. I did and I saw this thing that just amazed me. I could see the moment when we first met. I remembered everything perfectly. I remembered ever smell, taste, and thought.

            “See I didn’t mind that, but after that was over I saw something that was inside of that boy. He had this beautiful animal inside him. It looked like him except it had wings, and a smoother body, silk like fur, and it had a crown. It just had something that screamed powerful and animalistic. It was just waiting to come out and be seen.

            “This thing was waiting for me, for something that I have.” After I explained to her what happened I felt a pain on the back of my head. “Ow, what was that for?”

            “For being stupid. That is the true form of the Hybrid prince. Every Hybrid has a true form. It doesn’t come out until its mate admits their love for them. That is why he wanted your love, so that you could have a more beautiful version of himself.

            “Hybrids are kept from knowing this so that they don’t all just admit their love for each other. They have to accept the nastier shell in order to be rewarded. What you did was so harsh that I bed the inner creature of that boy is probably slowly diminishing. That was why the tattoo had to be made permanent. The tattoo is like a traveling gesture that the other person loves you, in any way possible.”

            “What are you talking about Maria, if that thing inside him dies then It’s better for him. Right?”

            “Wrong, you dumb ass! If the inner being of a Hybrid is dead, so is the actual Hybrid. Basically. If we don’t find him and let you two make the tattoo permanent Kristopher will be dead.”

            “How long do you think we have until he dies?”

            “I’d say about four days. Tops. Well you better hurry, and find him.”

            “Aren’t you coming?” I asked Maria.

            “No, you need to find him and let him keep saying that he loves you. You need to let him say these things to you if you want him to live.”

            “Okay gotcha.” I left to pack my bags and be on my way. Wish me luck and Lord let me find him on time.

            I was settled here. I loved this place, but I kind of feel weaker than I did yesterday. I didn’t care. I was here and allowed to do whatever I want. I was free, but I felt like I’m missing someone. Every time I think about freedom I think about belonging to and with someone. I wanted to belong to a special someone, but that wasn’t going to happen.

            I was hungry and my cat side purred to hunt. The rush of action was so natural to me. I could see the animal that I wanted and attacked. I loved this activity, because I could see my new fur color.

            My hair color went from a fox orange to a white; like my cat form. It was a majestic and free white that made me completely free and majestic. My hair grew longer in the past few days. My hair length was now down to my feet. My nails were longer and sharper than before and I could hunt more frequently and easily.  

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