A Hybrid's Master (Chapter 8) - The Last Time I Hurt You, I Promise

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A Hybrid’s Master (Chapter 8) – The Last Time I Hurt You, I Promise

            After Kristopher left, Maria, a Rabbit Hybrid, and Marcus started to hound me for my bad behavior. All I could focus on was the fact that he actually took the mark back from my shoulder. Suddenly I felt a loss looking at the mark less shoulder. I also felt bad about saying that. Maria kept yelling at me and I just wanted it to stop.

            “How could you say something like that? Do you want to know the tradition that we Hybrids have? Even if you don’t want to hear it I’m going to tell you anyways. Mates spend the whole day together and make love. After every session we relax, revive from the sex, and then go at it again. Do you want to know why we have the tradition?”

            “No.” I mutter under my breath.

            “Well too damn bad, because I’m going to tell you anyways. We have that tradition because it makes the ink that he took back stable and permanent. That ink is important, because it tells the mate that he or she is not alone in the world, and that he or she had something to look forward to in their life. Your stupid ass tells him that he doesn’t have anyone.”

            Now the rabbit Hybrid starts to yell me next.

            “Mr. Alex. Why were you so mean to that boy? I thought that you cared for all of us Hybrids. Why were you mad at that Hybrid?”

            “Well, you see I….. What I mean to say is…. I don’t know. OW!” My left shoulder started to hurt like a bitch. I dropped to my knees and clutched my left shoulder.

            “Oh my god! Alex! Something’s wrong with Kristopher!” Maria helped me up and led me up the stairs. With each step the pain was more and more intense. I could feel my wrist hurting as well. The pain was hard to deal with. The hallway seemed to get dimmer and dimmer. If it weren’t for Maria holding me up acting like a forklift, then I most likely would have fainted and have been found years later.

            As we reached the door I could feel it happening. I could feel Kristopher’s soul drifting slowly. I somehow gained the strength to move faster. I could feel this adrenaline rush flowing through my body. I felt so alive.

            I reached his room and I was nervous about what I would find. My mind suddenly flashed at a picture of Kristopher on the bed with a huge bleeding slash on his left wrist. I barged in without waiting because I knew somehow that Kristopher needed me. I started to feel faint again, but I had a goal and a purpose.

            Kristopher was lying there with blood oozing out of his wrist. Tit was a horrible sight. His body was just lying there not moving at all. His eyes were open, and filled with pain and unshed tears. I could barely hold my stomach.

            Maria finally caught up to me and she screamed a high-pitched scream, it reminded me of Mariah Carey’s highest note. I noticed something though. If you take the “h” out of Mariah you get Maria.        

            When she finally calmed down and stopped screaming she helped me heal Kristopher.

            “How the hell do we help him?” I screamed loudly. My voiced carried and I heard an echo in the room. I was sure that the people in the yard could hear me from how loud I screamed. I was so scared at seeing him like this.

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