A Hybrid's Master (Chapter 15) ~ It's Time To Have Sex

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  • Dedicated to Salma Ubwa

A Hybrid’s Master (Chapter 15) ~ It's Time To Have Sex

            I woke up with my whole body in pain. I was moving, but on what? I had no idea. Where was this person or thing taking me? Was I going to be killed? Was I going to become something that I don’t want to be?

            These questions kept going on and on until a voice spoke to me, in my head.

            How are you? I am glad you are awake. We will be at my earth soon. Hang on tight. I’m going to go faster.

            Boy, he wasn’t kidding when he said he was going to ride faster. The air brushed my face with an intensity that almost knocked me off. I was incredibly surprised that this large fox could actually carry my weight. My whole body was tingling with adrenalin. I was being rushed somewhere that I didn’t know about.

            I was totally confused when we stopped. I was behind my stomach caught up about a few seconds later and I felt like I wanted to barf, but then it went away and I felt elation that I was zoomed through this impeccably large area.

            The orange red fox walked paw by paw, leading me to his earth. I somehow knew that an earth is a fox’s home, or den. I was amazed by his slick body movements, as I followed it, as he reminded me on Kristopher. Just thinking his name brought back the strange words that he spoke to me.

            He said that he would go to get Maria, to help. I understood he was scared and alone. What words really shocked me was when he told me to leave him here, in this area full of trees and wildlife, where he could be killed. My thoughts were mixed up. His words really took a toll on me. I wondered why he would say things like that, his wanting me to leave him here. I thought he loved me, maybe that’s it. He’s giving up his life to have me be happy.

            I felt it. As soon as realization hit me, so did that pain in my left shoulder. Every emotion and thought hit me like a punch in the face. The pain was worse than the last. Maybe because I understood his feeling better? Maybe I cared more, or maybe I was finally in my fuckin’ right mind. Now that I look back on all the things that I did to reject that poor little Hybrid I realize that I was stupid, inconsiderate, and selfish. I really didn’t understand my reason to push him away either.

            What kind on reason is having my safe haven taken away from me? I own these Hybrids already. Nobody could take them back. I could do what I want with them and nobody would care. I was extremely stupid with everything that I had done to Kristopher. It was time that I made things the way they should be.

            They way that things were made to be, having his body wrapped in my, while he pumped into my body with his large erection. I couldn’t wait to take Mr. Fox’s advice. I had to take it and be glad I had this animal with me.

            I could daydream about what would happen. I just hopped that it went according to plan.



The sex scene is next. I want 15 votes and 10 comments is you want the next chapter!

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