A Hybrid's Master (Chapter 4) - Explanations

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A Hybrid’s Master (Chapter 4) – Explanations  

            I heard Maria and looked up to see her face full of red. When she gets angry her tail sways like a predator watching her prey for hunting. I knew exactly what she was hunting. She was hunting my instrument.

            “I heard muffled screaming and I come in here to see the young Hybrid collapse on top of you. What did you do to him? Wait a minute I know that smell. It’s the smell of Fox and Cat seed. You made him come didn’t you?”


            “Whatever, anyways do you want me to bring up your breakfast?”

            “Yes, Maria. Thank you.”

            “You are most welcome.” She gave me a huge smile, like she knew something, and she left.

            After she left I looked at the boy on top of me. His arms moved around my neck and his head moved closer. He rubbed his cheek with mine. I was wondering why a Fox Hybrid would do this, and then I remembered that he was part Cat and that Cats have oil on their cheek that marks their “property”. I pushed him away and he fell to the ground.            

            He looked up at me and his eyes were a bit watery. He stood up and his ears fell down. His tail hung low and he walked to the door. He opened it and left. I heard the door close and I gained my composure. I was not his mate, and I am not his to make his “property”.

            As I closed the door I leaned on it and I slid down. I finally have a mate and he rejects me. I don’t even have a name. I wasn’t given a name to identify me as a person.

            I felt a few tears poke at my eyes. Soon footsteps approached the room and I looked up to see Maria standing there. I tried to stand up, but my bruise was still there on my stomach. I couldn’t stand up until she lent me a hand.

            “Honey, are you okay?” Maria looked at me with empathetic eyes and I nodded. “Do ya have a name, sweetie?”

            “No. I don’t. I was told my Master would give me a name when he or she bought me.”

            “Oh sweetie. Here how about you let me name you. Is that okay?”

            “Sure. I would love a name. I’ve always wanted one.”

            “Okay, how about pumpkin pie, because you are orange?”

            “Ah… No, sorry, but it sounds weird.”

            “You’re right, okay maybe Kristopher, with a K instead of a C.”

            “That sounds awesome. Could you show me to my room, because I’m not allowed in here anymore.” I lowered my head and my ears followed suit. The tears that I was holding back were starting to come out.

            “Isn’t he your mate? I thought last night you made it official?”

            “It was this morning, but he won’t let me finish the cat part of my matting. He pushed me out of bed. My back hurts a little.”

            “You know what go to the kitchen. Eat your breakfast until you are completely full and talk to my husband. I have a few works to say to Alex.”


            I was in the Bath when Maria came in and looked Pissed. She placed the tray of food she was carrying on the table by the door and walked closer to me.

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