Terms and Conditions: Sakuatsu

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~~* January 1o, 8:55 am *~~

Atsumu woke up tied to a chair, and he immediately panicked. Kageyama and Hinata were next to him, and they were all in a circle, their chairs facing outwards.

What had happened? Did Kenma betray us? Why are we tied? Oh god—are we gonna die! I've never been this scared in my life!

Atsumu looked around the room. It was dark, but there was a small, dim ceiling light in the middle of the room. There were about four brown tables in each corner. There was also a sewer top— maybe for a getaway?

On the wall were racks and racks of guns, smoke grenades, and bats. There was also a hook rack filled with: rope, duct tape, and zip ties.

It was truly a frightening sight.

Kenma came into the room through a side door. "Sorry about Kuroo. He gets a little, excited sometimes."

"Really, is that really why he knocked us out?!" Kageyama shouts, trying to break free from the rope tying his hands together.

"Well, I apologize," Kenma says. "Anyways, do you still want to join the gang?"

"Yeah, we really don't like The Golden Serpents." Hinata quips. "We'd do anything to help take them down!"

Three people walked into the room: Kuroo, a man with smooth, gray hair, and a man with black hair, a surgeon mask, and a birth mark of two dots above his left eyebrow. For some odd reason, Atsumu was awkwardly attracted to the last black haired male.

Damn it Atsumu! What are you thinking?Thinking about our enemy —I'm pretty sure he's the one that tied us?!

"Yeah, sorry not sorry for knocking you guys out. It was a safety precaution. We don't want you knowing the way here in case you ended up being a liability." Kuroo mutters, scratching the back of his head.

"Yeah, whatever." Kageyama answers, still annoyed.

"Anyways, this is the crew: there's Lev, the gray haired guy, and Sakusa, the germaphobe."
Kenma intruduces.

Sakusa's his name, huh?

"Hello, what're they doing here, Kenma-San!!" The guy named Lev asks, rather enthusiastically.

Damn, that guy is really tall. His head almost touches the ceiling.

"Keep it down dumbass, someone might hear us!" Sakusa whisper shouts.

"They're here because they're against The Golden Serpents." Kenma explains, and the rest of them nod in understanding.

"Guys, Boss is coming!" Kuroo shouted as everyone ran to an empty area, leaving the middle empty.

A cloaked man walked in through the the side door. He wore a black masquerade mask, covered with black sequins and designs. He also wore a big cloak, covering his hair. From what Atsumu could see, he wore a black shirt and pants, covering any part of him that might make him vulnerable to any of his skin or body part.

"So, you say The Golden Serpents betrayed you?" The Boss asks, and surprisingly, his voice wasn't deep and scary, unlike his appearance.

"Yeah, they stole our money." Kageyama answers, remembering to stick to their story. 

"Well then," the Boss says, walking over to Atsumu. "What does their boss's mask look like?"

Atsumu had sweat dripping down his face. He didn't know what to say. He only had one chance, and if he blew it, they'd all be dead.

"I don't remember him having a mask." Atsumu answers, praying to the lord the answer was acceptable.

He waited for the other shoe to drop- for a blow of a fist or the click of a gun.

But it never came.

"Correct," the Boss says, sounding shocked that Atsumu knew the answer, "it was a trick question. Their boss never wore a mask."

Atsumu kept eyeing Sakusa in the corner. How in hell did he keep thinking of a that mafia guy again?! His hair did look shiny, and his eyes were soft looking—but that was it!

You are crazy! You are out of your mind right now! You are not here to think some guy is cute, you are here to get your promotion 'tsumu.

"I would like to have a chat with all three of you about the terms and conditions about being here," The Boss says seriously.

"Rule No. 1, if you tell the police about anything, we will find you, and you will die. Rule No. 2, our goal is simply to cause chaos to the government, as they have done everyone wrong. Rule No. 3, we do not kill anyone unless personally needed. We only bruise our victims if they do not cooperate."

"We agree!" Hinata exclaims, eager to be released from the ropes binding his hands together.

"Very well. Sakusa show them around the base. They'll be needing to get used to this place since they'll be staying here."

Staying here?! This was not part of the plan at all! Hopefully, they don't suspect us TOO much.

Atsumu eyed Hinata and Kageyama, hoping they get the message to not panic yet.

"Why me, this new base stinks.." Sakusa grumbles.

"Because I asked you." The Boss responded firmly. "You dare question my authority?"

"Whatever," Sakusa sighs. "Come and follow me, and make sure to not get lost."

The four trotted through the dark base. There were rooms for storage, hostage spaces, planning rooms, and a variety of game rooms.

"And that's it. I'm gonna go now have a nice day." Sakusa says sarcastically after he'd finished giving them the bare minimum of a tour.

Kageyama and Hinata ran off to someplace else. Atsumu on the other hand hoped to see Sakusa again, it was possible for him to spill something if he believed Atsumu like him.

He looked over at a table and saw letters. He decided to look through it to find evidence. He picked one up and started reading them.


"Dear Mr. Tsukishima,

I would like to inform you that your-"


Suddenly, he heard a door creak open.

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