Valemtines.....🔓Shin soukuko🔓

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Valentine's day has come....

The day of hearts... The day of loves....

From normal people it's the best day for them....

But for Akutugawa Ryunosuke... Was the worst day....

Imagine It's his holiday and the only one was addicted to him bothering him in whole day?!

Saying how those she feel to akutugawa, giving gifts to him that almost make him die from it....

"Where should I hide?" Ryunosuke muttered to himself as he knew higuichi would follow him and annoyed him....

This might be embarrassing for him to ask help from the member of the agency that abandoned the port mafia  but he really want to escape this nightmare that will come to him... AGAIN!

He start to dial the number of Dazai Osamu... It ringed in 3 minutes and someone picked it up...

"Dazai san! Please help me!"

"Huh? Akutugawa?"


"Jinko?! Why is Dazai san's phone in you?!"

"He was on a date with chuuya san and left his phone on his desk"


"So what do you need?"

There was a dead silent and akutugawa start to take a deep breath and was shaking from the nervous he was feel right now..

It's his enemy who he talking to, and he was part of the port mafia and needed a help from the agency member?

Was that embarrassing?!

"I need help..."

"That's all?"

Akutugawa was confused and imagining that atsushi making fun of him, he groaned of annoyance and hesitating to answer the question...


"So what help you needed?"

Is really atsushi making fun of him? Or it was really normal for atsushi? Wasn't atsushi little confused that his enemy calling for help?

"You won't laugh right?"

"Why would I? "

"I want to get away or hide from someone..."

"Hmm, was you always calling dazai san for this?"

"No! I'm not! And just... Just help me..."

"Hmm, okay I'm finished my work already meet me at the ***park"


Before akutugawa hanged up he heard atsushi shout something about work...

"Kunikida kun! I will leave now!"

"Good work!"

Akutugawa hanged up and start to walk toward the park that atsushi told him...

He waited in 20 minutes, he got annoyed but heard the voice he was waiting for...

He was about to use his ability but when he looked at his enemy....

His enemy looking down, and giving him homemade chocolate and balloons....

"Sorry to make you wait too long Aku! I... I.... Ha-HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY RYUNOSKE!!!"

Atsushi shout that made akutugawa hard to process



"I-i .... Never mind!"

Atsushi said embarrassed and dissapointed what he received....

"Just follow me..."

Akutugawa noticed the sudden down of atsushi... He felt bad but he still processing what just happened...

He follow atsushi to his house and went inside...

"Feel home....."

Still down, akutugawa slowly realizing the situation suddenly grabbed atsushi's hand...


"I'm sorry...."

"H-huh? What for?"

"Umm... Can I have that?"

Akutugawa point at the things that atsushi was going to give....

"Ehhhh?! But-"


They got silent and stared for minutes.....




"I like you too jinko...."

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