Volleyball play {shin soukoku}

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"okay class we're going to play volleyball for today's lesson

Some of the students are cheering of happiness some are growling of annoyance ...

"Ryu did you here that? We're going to play!"


"Aren't you excited?"

"Not really.."

"Ha? Nande?"

"I hate sports..."


They start to walk toward to the gym and atsushi still talking a lot about volley, how he plays it, how it was fun to play with!

While his bestfriend just do his usual poker face but listening to him...

They finally arrived at the gym, and they preparing the materials that they will use to play...

"Girls v.s. boys, warm up for now!"

"Waaa, ryu! Let's warm up!"


"Let's start!"

The whistle was played and they start to play volleyball the boys and girls was doing their best but akutugawa just stood there and do nothing, the teacher didn't notice it because he was focus on atsushi and lucy who really are serious playing...

Then some third years where went in the gym...

"Do your best atsushi kun!"

"Lucy-chan! Do your best!"

Shout of their senior they didn't hear it because of the play...


Akutugawa look who shout and saw his idolize senior "Dazai sa-" he was abou to say something when something hit him...

It was the ball that lucy spiked, it was to hard and atsushi immediately rushed to his bestfriend...




Akutugawa slowly sit up and groaned he said he was 'Fine' and walk toward the bench...

Atsushi excused himself to look after his besfriend, the teacher understood and his other classmate continue to play...

"Hey, ryu, how was your forehead?"


"Pfft, stop being sarcastic ryu.."


Atsushi start to giggle and look at his senior nakahara and dazai, he waved at them and they wave back..

"Ne ryu, you should focus at playing volleyball so you won't get hit again"

"Tsk! Shut up..."*pout*

"*Giggle* I can't hold it, you look cute when you pout"

Atsushi said smiling widely, akutugawa blush what he said and looked away yo hide his red face...



Akutugawa run outside and leave atsushi confused...

"What did I do?"


"Young love wasn't chibi chan?"

"Shut up, bandage freak..."

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