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Jaehyun POV

I felt the wind brush on me quickly and the pounding in my head as the sun blazed on it, I was being chased but not just by a couple of thugs. The police. People hate thiefs, they say we are nasty things and should perish as we are selfish for not working for our own survival but we can't survive, you hate us and we could get caught right this second just like how I'm running away after stealing a piece of bread from the market.

(Yall don't read this part it doesn't fit with the story but I can't take it out like read the underlined parts even though it still won't make sense)
My dad told me to be strong and never be 'good', he had different ways of teaching me as he also was a thief and we were poor and rotten, my mom suffered from cancer four years after I was born and I blame it all on me even though my dad says it was but things started popping up when I was born so it was me. We survived by my dad going out late at night and stealing when all the markets were closed and some things were off the floor, he would even go far to steal from restaurant which was tricky but he did it and that's why I love him

I was at a dead end and I could hear police coming closer and closer however my eye darted a small pathway so without thinking I went into it and became silent as I saw the officers searching for me, even though it was a few minutes it felt like an eternity for them to find me but I breathed out when they were gone from my reach. I put my hands in my pockets and sighed thinking about my parents.


"Daddy, Mommy look at me!" I screamed and they turned their heads to me, I ran from the garden to the opposite end and they started clapping.

"Bravo Jaehyun, that was really fast" I laughed at my Dads answer and waited for my moms but when I looked at her she was in a coughing fit, I immediately went to her and my dad was comforting her.

"Are you okay Mommy" I said as tears were threatening to flow but I held it in, she looked down to me and put her warms around me.

"Of course I am, I'm just a little sick nothing to worry about" she replied and my mood got even better. At least nothing was wrong with her, just a little cough.


"No we cant let him know, it will make him depressed and have trauma, I don't want him to live like that for the rest of his life"

"But how will cope when you're actually gone, he will not trust me and might drift away from me so at his age it's a good time to tell him" I then heard my mom sobbing.

"Please we cannot tell him, I just think right now isn't a good time when he gets older and my condition gets worse then we can tell him. Please Jaehwan I don't want anything bad happening to our family" my dad tightly hugged my mom and gave her kisses as i looked through the slit in the door but just went back to my room. What is wrong with Mom.

Flashback end

They didn't tell me when I was older more mature and knowledgeable, I found out when I came back from school to see an ambulance there and my dad crying on the floor and that's when he told me everything, I didn't believe it and ran away for a bit and my dad didn't even come look for me... he just left me, that was the last time I ever saw my dad, I think. Sometimes I see glimpses that look like him but of course he never came to find me so that meant he didn't want me and now I don't want him.

I was getting hungry and I saw how dark it was getting so I ran to the cafe, the cafe owner knows me as his son and I have been friends and they are so nice to me sometimes I wonder if they want me as their family but I know that will never happen.

"Hi Sicheng!" I shouted as I came into the cafe, customers were giving me glares as I did look like I crawled out of dumpster truck but I didn't care neither did Sicheng who was the cafe owner son, I went up to the counter and saw a plate full of kimchi, my eyes sparkled as I saw the savouring food wanting to eat it right then and there.

"You really are that hungry huh" the boy replied and I nodded, he lightly hit my head and I took my plate and sat down, even though I'm a thief I know my table manners and started eating. After ten minutes I had finished the plate clean and gave it to Sicheng who was shocked that I finished it all.

"Geez you could eat a whole gallon of this shit in under 30 minutes" I laughed at his reaction and said bye to him before walking out and finding where I was sleeping, I could just ask Sicheng but I don't want to get my dirty body all over his house, I was still trying to find a motel 20 minutes in when I heard laughter, I looked around to see two small boys laughing and talking.

I scoffed at them but kept on looking in their direction, one of them looked like they were going to the club and the other looked like they have been living outside for the first time while I've been doing it ever since I was 14, I suspected that they were also looking for a motel so I followed them and fortunately they found one, I saw that the boy who looked scruffy paid for their rooms which was confusing but I didn't care, I need a place to sleep.

I went inside the motel and went to the receptionist, he was young like me but a little older as he rose his head to look at me.

"Hello, would you like a room" he said and I gulped before speaking.

"I don't have any money so maybe you can let me off this time" I replied waiting for him to kick me out but he didn't.

"What is your name and how old are you" he asked which was confusing, I just answered anyway.

"I'm Jaehyun and I'm 17" I replied and he smiled before taking his hand out.

"I'm Johnny and 18" I shaked his hand but I still don't know why he did this.

"You can be my roommate, I need one or I'm not allowed to stay there by myself, you don't have to pay anything just say yes as I really need that room" Wow that was easier than I excepted, I accepted the offer and he showed me the room, it was small but I don't need anything big anyway.

"Thanks Johnny" I said as he came in my room.

"No problem and I could see you needed a room, I'm downstairs in the reception if you need me" I said bye and he left, I plopped my head on the pillow and sank into my bed before my eyes feeling heavy and I slowly slept, this was the first sleep I have had inside.

A/N: Sorry for posting a little bit late, I had like 20 minutes until it was the next day in my time zone which means I posted this at 11pm- I'm amazing and see you next Monday

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