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Taeil POV

"I'm so scared for today, we are really going to drug Winwin into kissing Yuta but he we have to get them back as it's so sad seeing the older just mope around the house doing nothing when he could be in Winwins arms" I said to Doyoung as we were in our beds for a few minutes when we woke up.

"You really have the craziest ideas" he replied and I rolled my eyes.

"You took me all the way to Busan to confess to me and then you told me to kiss a statue when we came back, I don't think I'm the crazy one" I giggled out and he started tickling me, tears were running down my cheeks and I couldn't stop laughing.

"Omg stop! Come on now we have to get ready" I pulled the younger and we walked to the bathroom, we finished getting changed and went downstairs to eat.

"Let's call Ten and see if they have the plan underway" Doyoung said and I nodded slowly but kept on eating my pancakes as he talked to Ten on the phone, I couldn't help but look at Doyoung when he was speaking. He looked more happy and talkative when he's speaking to  them-

"You okay Taeil, you haven't finished the pancakes yet, don't tell me something is wrong with them" I chuckled at Doyoung worrying and shaked my head.

"They are fine baby, I'll finished them so we can go to the cafe" I quickly finished my food and we got ready to head outside, maybe there isn't something bad going on.

We came to the cafe and opened the door, the first person we saw was Winwin and he froze when he saw us.

"Taeil, Doyoung is that you guys" he put down the plates and came to hug us, we hugged him back and sat down.

"Omg it is you, I haven't seen you two in such a long time" he said and we chuckled.

"It has been some time hasn't it" Doyoung replied and let go of my hand.

"Don't tell me you two broke-"

"No we are still together, even closer than before really" I replied and Doyoung nodded.

"That's good" Winwin got up but I grabbed his wrist, we can't let you go just yet.

"We were wondering if you want to come over to our house, maybe after you finish your shift so we can talk more" I said.

"Sure I have nothing to do after" he replied and we smiled.

"We will just look around the area" Me and Doyoung left the cafe to the motel, I saw Ten and Taeyong in the lobby and Doyoung immediately ran up to them while I slowly walked to them.

"It looks like the plan is under way and you have told everything to Yuta right" Ten said and we nodded.

"Yep but he is scared to kiss Winwin but that's only way Winwin can see that Yuta was drugged" I replied and Doyoung immediately started talking to Ten, he was laughing so loud and hard which he never does with me, what are you thinking Taeil there is nothing wrong with our relationship. I heard Taeyong come to me and smiled quickly.

"Hello Taeil and just a quick note Ten has a boyfriend so Doyoung isn't going to get taken away from you" the younger said and I turned red.

"You know I'm scared that something is going to happen" I replied.

"Ever since you cried and the looks you were giving him was too obvious not to notice" Taeyong said and then Doyoung shouted.

"Winwin said he's finished, come on let's go and you will be here with everything ready right" Ten and Taeyong nodded and we left the motel to the cafe and saw the younger waiting for us then we headed out to our house. We got there and Winwin sat down.

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