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I woke up to somebody knocking on my door, I groaned as I got off my bed and went to it. I opened the door and saw Doyoung and Taeil at my it. Why.

"I thought I told you not to come if you want to get my heart broken" I said and they bumped their way into my house that I brought and never said that it was their new home to come to every single day.

"You know we never listen to you, it isn't something new" Taeil responded and I rolled my eyes closing the door then ran to my room to change. I came back and the couple were kissing, thats nice to see.

"Why did you even come here, there is nothing to do at this house" I went to the kitchen and started preparing my breakfast and the couple stopped their PDA.

"We see that you're very lonely, like so lonely and sad and just really miserable. You literally could become a nun because you're that lonely-" I stopped Taeil from continuing.

"Okay Taeil I think I get how lonely I am" I replied and they chuckled as i brought my plate to my chair and sat on it next to the couple.

"But what should I do and I don't want a boyfriend anymore" they looked at each other before shaking their heads, what did I do now.

"You're so dense, just go for Winwin and try to get him back it's so sad seeing you without him and you look so depressed also before you start talking we know you miss him and have tried many ways to get him back but this is us helping you he will be in your arms again" Doyoung said and the shorter next to him nodded.

"Look at me and Doyoung, we get into fights well most of the time but we sort it out and become stronger every time and even though your problem is big and would take a few tries we can make Winwin like you again and forgive you, we are very good at this" Taeil added and I chuckled, I've known these two ever since I got to Korea and were dating when I came here which to me is crazy how they aren't problematic with each other. Even though they are annoying I love their relationship and want mine to be like that one day.

"Do you think your plan is going to work, do you even have one" I said and they gulped.

"Not yet but we will think very hard of one and get Winwin back to you, we promise. Right Taeil" the older nodded and kissed Doyoung on the cheek.

"Because I kissed Doyoung the promise is never going to break" I chuckled again and shaked my head before standing and washing my plate then heading to my room to change into my work clothes.

"I have work today so you can't stay here" I said as I came downstairs and they pouted, i looked at them weirdly and thought, don't they have a fucking house. Yes because I've acc been in it.

"We thought you were off the whole week" Taeil replied and I shaked my head grabbing the key as they got up.

"Nope, I'm never off work for more than three days and I need the money, I'll drive you back to your house anyway so don't be sulky because you want to stay in my house which is mine" we left the house and into the car then I started driving, I was on the red lights when Taeil caught something.

"Look, there's Winwin" I looked at the direction Taeil was pointing to and smiled immediately as I saw the boy, he was laughing and looked so happy even more happier when I was with him, maybe I don't need him with me anymore.

"Awww Yuta is smiling, we knew you'd miss him" Doyoung said and I was about to smack the living hell out of him but the lights went green and I continued driving.

"I wonder who those guys with Winwin were" Taeil said.

"They might be his friends" his boyfriend replied.

"His friends? He's never said anything about friends to me, I thought he befriended the two of you" I said but we shrugged as we didn't know, I finally got to their house and they got off. I waved bye and left to my work.

"Hello Yuta, you're here early" my co-worker Miya greeted me as I came into my work place.

"Hi Miya, I just wanted to get here early and my friends were annoying me" I replied and she chuckled knowing all about the Doil couple.

"Speaking about the couple, are you and Winwin still dating"

Doyoung POV

"Doyoung your heavy ass body is crushing me" Taeil said as I was pressing my body on his and kept rolling up and down it.

"I'm tired let me stretch on you" I replied but Taeil finally got off me, I laughed and pulled him into a chest hug and lied my head on his neck.

"You okay baby" I said as I felt something was wrong from Taeil, he looked at me and smiled gently kissing me.

"Of course I'm okay but I just feel so sad for Yuta, the person he loved so much is now gone forever all because of something he couldn't control" he said and I cuddled him even tighter.

"It is sad but we know Yuta can get through it and we are helping get him back anyway but it's all up to him if he wants to do it" I replied and the shorter got off my hold before grabbing a piece of paper and pen.

"We are in our dump doing nothing but cuddling which are very sweet and warm while Yuta can't even do any of that so let's help him. What are your ideas" I thought of something but nothing came into my head

It's been ten minutes and Taeil is rambling on about how none of the plans work which is cute but funny, I started laughing from it and he glared at me.

"We can't even have good ideas and you're here laughing at me, you're the worst boyfriend ever" he said and I laughed even harder as he backed away from me.

"No come back" I said in between my laughter but he stayed put where he was.

"Only until you stop laughing" he got off the bed but I was too quick as I put my arms around his waist and pulled him to the bed, I turned around to him and soon was on top of him. He immediately turned red and I leaned down to a soft kiss, we broke apart and he quickly stood up and grabbed the pen and paper walking to his desk.

"We're supposed to be helping Yuta, not kissing" Taeil said and I went to get a chair and put it next to him. Ideas were still thriving to get out as our stupid minds couldn't figure out a good plan for Yuta, we were about to give up when something came into his head. Taeil started jumping up and down and kissed my face many times before writing it on the paper.

"Woah are you okay, you just started kissing me" I said and he rolled his eyes and took my hand.

"I have a plan and I think it might work" he replied and a smile came on my face which made him smile even more.

"What is it then" I took his hand and pulled him with me to our front door and we got out.

"I'm going to tell you at where you confessed to me" Taeil let out a cute scream and I just followed him to the park.

A/N: I finally posted on a Monday (in my time zone ofc also I live in England if you want to know when I'm posting) but I hope you enjoyed it cuz I like this chapter. Well see you next Monday!

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