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"I think I'm gonna go now, I just need time to myself. Bye Jaehyun" I got of him and waved leaving the garden but I still kept on crying and thinking about how Jaehyun would just go and never come back to me if he realised I was pregnant.

I arrived at the motel to see Ten outside the reception probably waiting for me, when he saw me he immediately went up to me and wiped my tears hugging me.

"Are you okay, you've been gone for ages and now you're crying. What happened" I sobbed into the youngers shirt and we walked upstairs to our room, Ten put me down on the bed and I just cried.

"Why is everybody so stressed and sad, Winwin was so sad when I came to the cafe and now you're crying, you know what I said we needed to go to the club and we are going come on stop your crying and I'll get some clothes for us to go the club, I'll also call Winwin cuz he looks like he needs a drink" I chuckled at the youngers rambling and stopped crying before walking to the bathroom.

I felt a kick in my belly and brushed it but that just remembered why I was crying, I held back the tears and continued with my day.

"I've called Winwin and he said he wants to join, I wander why he was depressed anyway" Ten told me then I realised, that boy.

"Did he say anything to you when you saw him" I replied trying to know if it was actually him.

"Well he was just mourning and looked like he hadn't slept in two days" the younger answered and gave me an outfit to wear, I got out of the bathroom with my finished look and Ten was stunned.

"You haven't looked this good ever since I dressed you up when I first met you" Ten said and I laughed at his comment spinning around, Ten got a phone and it was Winwin.

"He says he is outside the motel, come on" I grabbed my hat and we walked out of the room to the reception, Ten completely ignored Johnny and I said bye to the older. We saw Winwin leaning on the side on the motel and lighting up a cigarette, me and Ten were shocked by his actions.

"Winwin- what are you doing" Ten shouted but he didn't care and took a breath of the death stick engulfing all that toxins which made me want puke a little.

"You invited me over there for the club so let's go" Winwin came to my side and I walked as I already knew the way to the club, Ten was still fuming at the back.

"Hey Winnie, you okay what happened" I said and he looked at me before blowing out a puff of smoke away from me, even though he's smoking he knows I'm having a baby.

"You should know already" he replied and I sighed, I thought it was him, we arrived at the club and sat a bar while Ten got dressed into his strip clothes. Winwin got a bottle of soju while I just got orange juice.

"So what happened" I turned to the younger who already was in on his third shot, his eyes started to pour of tears, what did he do to you.

"It was our date night and I would always go to his house to meet him there for it, I knocked on his door but he didn't open so I just did it myself and fortunately it was open but when I went inside the living I saw him- I saw that Yuta having a full on make out session with a girl, he saw me and immediately let go of the girl but I had left before he could talk to me" Winwin was now crying on me and I calmed him down.

"It's gonna be okay Winwin, I know everything is going to be okay. You have me and Ten so everything will be fine and I know you can get through this but smoking out your feelings isn't going to do it even though you were considerate enough to blow the smoke away from me it isn't good for you okay" the younger nodded his head and wiped his tears all before we heard Ten coming onto the stage, we saw him and cheered him on.

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