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It was a rainy day, what a wonderful day to cry and I thought everyday would be sunny and bright, me with the person I love and everything around us happy but I'm sitting on my bench staring at the window with tears racing down my face, I don't even care if I get sick from all this crying I just want my emotions to come out.

"I feel so sad for Taeyong, he hasn't left that room in a week and now I'm scared to see what he will do to himself" Winwin said and my friend all nodded.

"His heart has been broken so hard that he's just crying it out and not caring if he gets sick or something really bad happens to him but he has a baby so we can't just left him hurt himself but the person that can make him stop has left him" Ten replied and hugged his boyfriend tightly.

"But we can't just give up, we have all got together with our boyfriends and Taeyong helped us in all of them so we have to help him, I can't sit here and see him crying all the time even I couldn't do that and I was dark when I was in high school, so let's help him" Taeil said and they talked a bit more about me and Jaehyun.

I was still crying my eyes out then I looked at my belly and started laughing just for me to go back sobbing, I started to sooth it out.

"Only a four months I've kept it from him, only 16 weeks you haven't been caught but now he knows everything I don't know how as the times I've talked about you he isn't there- I just miss him so much and want him next to me and it's all because of you, I wish I hadn't gone out to drink that day I wish I just helped my mom with cooking or my dad with his shed. I am such a failure to everybody and will never mak anybody happy" I cried out and got up but then my stomach started to pain again.

I collapsed on the floor and tried to endure the pain but it was too much, I crawled to the bathroom and reached for the medicine but then I saw a knife on the sink. I moved without thinking and grabbed it before pressing it hard on my stomach, I then realised what I was doing and took it away but my hand couldn't just do it, I soon lied down crying and then all I could see was black.

Jaehyun POV

It was night and the air was getting colder but the moon kept me warm, kind of, my stomach had been hungry all day and I don't even know where I am. I saw a closed market however a stall was still open but I saw that nobody was standing next to it, I went up close to it before snatching the bread and walking away until I heard a shout. I ran as fast as I could away from the shouts and soon it was just a faint sound, I was breathless and dragged my legs to a bench I saw. Here stomach, that's your food today.

I was eating my piece of bread when something came into my mind and I froze, Taeyong just had his baby and he was smiling and laughing and crying at it but then somebody comes and kissed him- I tried to get rid of what I was thinking but the thought just came back. No Jaehyun don't feel sorry for such a nasty slut who lied to you about having a kid when you didn't want one anyway. I finished my bread and lied down on the bench before dozing off.

The morning arrived as the sun beamed in my eyes and I woke up getting off the bench and strolling down the street, where can I go today, I could steal something but I met get caught or I could go to the cafe- I don't think that's an idea anymore so no but guess where I went.

I slowly peeked through the cafe door window and saw Ten and Johnny together, they looked so happy with each other I then saw the Doil couple arguing with Yuta but it looked like the couple were arguing while Yuta was trying to break them up even though Taeil was sitting on Doyoung lap, I chuckled at the sight but then saw Taeyong and my heart broke, he looked so emotionless just sitting there staring at the table and his belly seemed to grow then the thought came back, I backed away from the cafe as I tried to get it out but nothing worked. I need help and fast until i remembered a place.

"Hey Dad" I shouted as I got to a stall in the market, a tall but stiff man came out of the shed that was behind the stall and he looked around to see where that voice was from then he saw me.

"Hello Jaehyun, where is that small boyfriend of yours, you and Taeyong are always together" he replied chuckling at the end but then he saw my saddened expression he stopped.

"I've done something terrible and I don't know why I did it, I was just so frustrated and the trust just flew right out of the window" I said and he looked at me.

"You found out he was pregnant and broke up with him didn't you but you put more anger in the break up then you were going to" I stared at him dumbfounded and he chuckled before coming closer to me.

"You know you were also an accident"

"What- you didn't have to tell me that"

"Ofc I did because I was just like you when I was young that is why I told to steal and stuff because I knew you were going to listen to my dumb brain back then as my dad told me those dumb things and just like your Taeyong I got your mother pregnant and broke up with her even though I knew a long time ago that she was going to have you but I should've never broke up because I actually loved her and my heart couldn't take it so I went back to apologise and she immediately took me back as she also missed me" my dad said and I thought about all the moments me and Taeyong have spent with each other, all the kisses he has given me and all the warmth I've projected to him. What have I done.

"I need to go back there and get him back, but I can't, I'm scared" I replied and he chuckled before slapping me on the head.

"You steal pieces of bread from my shop all the time and every time I shout and run after you those legs of yours run before you even think and you're scared to say sorry to Taeyong, what has my son become, you break up with a bitch and is scared to tell him sorry-"

"Well it isn't the same as that, what if he says no or what if he has already found somebody, what if he doesn't want to keep-"

"Do you want me to slap you again" I stopped talking and my dad sighed before sitting me down.

"Taeyong has worked his ass off in everything he can just to make sure the baby is healthy and provided, he wouldn't say no to you at all as he loves you, his heart is broken and isn't going to be fixed until you pick up the pieces and put them back in place and I know you can do that but you just need to find a way to do that" my dad explained and I huffed, brushing my hair through my hands.

"I'll try and do anything to get back Taeyong, I'm so dumb"

"You really are I mean I would've just waited for the right time when he was ready to tell you and you wouldn't get angry and remember it was Taeyong who persuaded you to come here and he didn't even know how I looked like so you're lucky I'm here to help you on this shit. Gosh teenagers and the things they get up to nowadays but I'm still shocked that he's eighteen then again you're seventeen and is stealing from stalls" I laughed at my dad reply.

"Thanks dad" I said to him and he smiled at me.

"You shouldn't be thanking me, I'm your dad so I need to help you, if your mom was here she was would be laughing in joy at what you've become" I hugged him and soon left the stall to the garden, perfect.

A:N: Remembered on Monday, forgot to do it, remembered on Tuesday forgot to do it, I'm so forgetful I'm probably going to forget my own wedding-

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