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Taeyong POV

"Is he okay, what happened to him" Doyoung immediately said when the doctor came out of the room, Doyoung had been crying all the way here and was still tearing up when they were performing the surgery on him and my hands were shaking severly as Jaehyun held them tight. Poor Doyoung.

"The surgery went well and he is okay but still sleeping from the medication, you can go in there now just to see how he is" the doctor replied and Doyoung broke out a smile.

"I think you should choose one of us to go with you, so you don't break out" Ten said and we agreed.

"Taeyong come with me, Taeil has talked to you the most anyway" I sighed and pecked Jaehyun before going to Doyoung and we went inside the room, we saw Taeil sleeping and one side of his head was bandaged up, wires were stuck in his arms going to up the heart monitor. It saddened me seeing Doyoung cry about this so I hugged him.

"It's okay Doyoung, he is fine" I said and the tears calmed down, he sat down on a chair next to the bed while I stood at the back of them, I think Doyoung should see Taeil first. Doyoung slowly took Taeil hands and soothed it out.

"Why Taeil, why did you do this, I thought we were happy together and nothing was wrong. You looked so excited and bright when you were with me so I thought nothing was bothering you but it looked like something was so why didn't you tell me Taeil we could've just sorted it out like last time, you kept it from me then broke up with me just for you to get hurt, I'm the one supposed to get hurt not you I want nothing to happen you Taeil" my heart broke when Doyoung spoke and tried his best not to cry but he can, just let all your emotions out Doyoung. Soon we heard something then looked at Taeil to see his eye flutter open before flinching at the pain.

"Doyoung?" he said and I saw a tear come out of his eye, Doyoung immediately wiped it away and touched the older cheeks.

"Yes it's me" he hugged Taeil then softly hugged him just so Taeil doesn't get hurt then he stopped and went back to sit down.

"Who came with you- oh hello Taeyong" Taeil said as he looked up to me, I smiled and waved at him.

"Hello and the others are here too, we were very worried about you when the car hit you and of course we called the ambulance and they took you away but it was very noisy with Ten screaming" I replied and he laughed but it went away when he looked down at Doyoung.

"You didn't have to come you know-"

"Why did you break up with me, I have done nothing wrong to you, have I done something to make you break up with me if there is then I'll stop and change" Doyoung said and Taeil looked away from him.

"Nothing Doyoung, there is no reason. Can I see the others please" I nodded and opened the door, I saw the two couples and my boyfriend anxiously waiting when they saw me their faces looked like they were waiting for an answer. I smiled and they immediately knew what happened and stood up walking into the room.

"You're alive Taeil!" Ten screamed first before hugging the older who just chuckled, everybody checked up on him and soon the doctor came to check up on him again and give us feedback.

"So it's seems that the car accident made his right leg break and right side of his face is damaged but it is all fixed in the surgery however he is going to have to stay in the hospital for about two weeks before he can go home as it's too risky for him to go outside. You can come in the visiting hours to see him and that will be all for now, two more hours until visiting hours are closed as well" the doctor explained and left.

"Guys you can leave, I'm okay now" we waved bye to Taeil and left the room but Doyoung hadn't got out of his seat, he then turned around to Taeil.

"I'm going to write every last wrong thing I did until I know why you broke up with me" Doyoung suddenly said and Taeil chuckled and pointed at the younger to come to him, he did as he was told and came closer to him. Taeil then kissed Doyoung cheeks.

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