Thor Odinson|| Do you hear my call Part 2

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A/N: so although I have exams I'm still going to update the story, in fact since I'm freeing up my time I think I'll be able to write more. This is a part two to the previous chapter, because some of you really liked the story. Also yes requests are very much open and you can comment a request or message me (both are fine), I'm still shocked how this book managed to reach 80k + reads. Honestly I didn't expect it to go so far. I hope you all are having a fantastic day!
I feel like I am going to stretch the story a bit because I want to do justice to it; so maybe a part 3 and 4 would exist, hopefully in the near future. For now, enjoy the story!

TW: Loki?Idk... swearing maybe.

Indeed there wasn't a way, there may never be a way for (Y/N) and Thor to ever be open about their relationship. Maybe after Odin gets the throne? But even that seemed impossible, the man lived Long.
But that doesn't mean that (Y/N) would never get to be with him, it was Thor's idea in fact, that (Y/N) get a job at the Royal Palace as one of Thor's Guards. Relatively simple task considering (Y/N) was in fact reasonably shrewd.
Although they mustn't get caught.
Easier said than done.
So one day, (Y/N) sent his name along with the list of recruits for the Palace Guards; as planned, by the usually not so patient Thor. At the Palace, Thor would find a way to manipulate the lists ensuring that (Y/N) ended up as his personal guard; a post only reserved for senior members and not recruits.
When it came to loopholes in the plan, there were many, however things went by as smooth as possible, no one suspected a thing.
These were amongst the many things constantly running in the background of (Y/N)'s mind as he stood, in his gold armour at the entrance of Thor's room. There was one other guard posted with him, and they would work different shifts. Although the work was dull it did provide (Y/N) a path to spending more time with his boyfriend.

Sneaking out of the servant's quarters at odd times, getting called for 'work' to Thor's room, life had become mildly interesting.

"Did you even hear what I said, you blithering idiot" a sharp voice called, interrupting your thoughts.


"It's the third time I've asked you; Is Thor in there?"- the same sharp voice rang.

It was only then you came back to reality, only to face the deathly stare of green eyes; Loki's green eyes, staring back at you with a look of deep loathing and disgust.

"His majesty is in his room and has asked not to be disturbed, apologies your majesty"- the familiar response was on your tongue, stated monotonously. It wasn't as if it were a lie, Thor had indeed asked not to let anyone in the room, for who know's what reason. He was cryptic that way. Knowing Thor, it may be a completely stupid reason. The thought of which brought a smile to your lips.

"Don't you smirk at me. Tell him Father called, to discuss the matter of his marriage"- he snapped at you, still eyeing you with a look of intolerable disgust as he walked away, his boots pattering across the marble floor.

It was time for your shift to be over, just as which the doors opened and you were pulled inside, facing the clean interior of Thor's room. The similar scent of sea salt greeted your nose as you could feel yourself being pulled into a hug, his beard now nuzzling the crook of your neck. You pulled away,

"Loki has a message-"

"Oh I know what it is about, I heard you speak from the hallway"

"Won't you go? If Odin summoned you then-"

"It's nothing important, I haven't seen you all day", he broke you off with a kiss.

"Y'know I'd think you better go meet him or at least send a message-"

"Father won't mind" was all he said before he pressed his hand in yours,
"For now, I want you"
He pushed you roughly against the wall, kissing you lightly at first, before deepening each kiss. Soft moans escaping in between each kiss. His hands moved up pressing one of your arms against the wall, leaving you completely open to him. The armour you wore wasn't hefty, and he unbuckled it in one fluid motion, both hands now pressed against the wall, as he grinned at your helplessness. You could now feel him against you; moaning slightly at his arousal, you snaked your legs around his waist. Every kiss left you craving for more, as he worked his way down your now exposed neck leaving a trail of bite marks, the red now crawling up your skin.

There was a large creak of the door, a noise which escaped you both.

"What the heck"
A cold voice rang out.

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