Mobius M Mobius || Catch Me If You Can

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C.W: Period-typical homophobia mentions (no slurs) , sexual content (no full blown smut), alcohol involved, drug usage mention.
Warning : Do not drink and drive.

(Y/N) turned a sharp corner, easily scaling the tree in front of him. The TVA were after him. Why wouldn't they be? He had information and they wanted it. Badly. He caught his breath and inhaled sharply, trying his best not to get discovered. He'd nearly already been caught and he wasn't willing to risk it again.
No one escaped the TVA. It simply wasn't possible, unless you were (Y/N). He had an ability, a rare one, for whatever reason, no one could remember his face.
It was like looking at a fogged glass, you could see him alright. And you could record his features down in a photograph or on text, but it was simply impossible to remember his face. This was the only reason the TVA were unable to catch him, they could see him, but they could never make the connection that this was the man they were after.

Everything in the world is balanced though. (Y/N) had strange marks all over his body which made him instantly recognisable, and he was only put into this tight a spot because one agent was clever enough to exploit that weakness. Mobius. Mobius was the only one who'd come close to catching him. (Y/N) had never seen the man for himself, but word got around quick, and (Y/N) knew this man was dangerous. He stayed completely still as TVA Agents ran haphazardly underneath the tree he was hiding in and to the other side of the road. He couldn't be sure which one of them was Mobius and so he had to hide from them all. Annoyed at being put into such a ridiculous situation, he huffed to himself. They were in the city he was familiar with, or he thought he would be. Same city, different Universe, everything could be different. But it didn't feel like so. The neighbourhood looked consistent, and (Y/N) even recognised some of the streets they were on.

Once he was sure the agents had all left, he leapt down and tugged on his jacket, making sure that his marks were covered well. (Y/N) wandered aimlessly; the city was the best place to hide, but, if his assumptions were right, it would be a long while if he walked. He'd have to hitch a ride. After trudging through the neighbourhood for a bit and pointing a lost TVA member in the wrong direction, a car sped up in the far distance. He stuck a thumb out, stopping the driver who rolled down the window and leant toward it. Even in the dark of the night (Y/N) could make out the clearly defined, and strikingly handsome face. He was a much older man but (Y/N) could tell, was one who carried himself well. His hair was greying, just enough to shine silver and yet leave trace amounts of a previous brown in.
"City? I'm guessing?" He questioned
"How do you know?" (Y/N) narrowed his eyes at the guess.
"I've seen you city boy types, you all look the same" he gestured at one of the cars speeding down the road, a convertible carrying way more passengers than it should be.
(Y/N) could see it. So he got in the car regardless.

The man started conversation almost immediately making small talk, little questions like his name, and where he was going. (Y/N) didn't see any red flags with the conversation so he just went along with it. Reluctantly, he admitted to himself, he enjoyed this guy's company, whoever he was. If only he'd met this guy in his own timeline.
"So what is it you do for a living then?" The man questioned.
(Y/N) froze. He couldn't reveal what is it he was doing. Those kind of jobs didn't exist in 1994. He bit his lip instead, thinking of a simpler response to that.
"Just kinda... work odd jobs here and there. I haven't really settled into one", that seemed to satisfy the man, and they continued their journey. Nothing eventful happened on the drive, except for the one time they had to skid to a quick stop to avoid hitting the car in front. (Y/N) raised an arm and pressed hard against the dashboard, to keep him from falling, the sleeve of his jacket lifted up and he was sure, for a split second that his marks were visible. It was a small slip and he couldn't tell if the other guy had seen them. Had he though, he was sure the man would've asked him about it.

After an hour of driving in silence, the man spoke again,
"Is there a place I can drop you off or?" He stopped, "Where're you headed?"
(Y/N) thought about it for a second. There were a couple of streets in the city, full of bars and clubs, especially crowded around this time. He was sure that this was something that hadn't changed, so he pointed out a pretty dicey looking street that was well known for its particularly raucous clubs. Surely the TVA wouldn't check out this place, and even if they did it would be near impossible to spot him. The man gave him a funny look, a familiar one, he was used to it. That hadn't changed then, he'd get the same looks even in his timeline. The clubs were open to everyone, queer folk, gender non conforming folk, everyone. And in 1994, if someone you knew, saw you walking in, you could be the victim of a nasty attack. The man opened his mouth to speak and (Y/N) prepared himself to hear slurs, maybe even get thrown out of the car, what he didn't expect was,
"Funnily enough, that's where I was heading to anyway"
(Y/N) looked up, wondering how someone like him could possibly be queer. The man gave him a knowing glance and they continued driving on. Maybe he could be in for a night of fun, (Y/N) smiled inwardly to himself. Maybe luck was on his side.


The street bled pink, the bright neon lights from the club spilled light everywhere. (Y/N) and the other mysterious man stepped out of the car and into the club. The place was, as (Y/N) guessed, completely filled with people, of all ages and types. There were girls making out with other girls, groups of men doing the same or wearing some of the most flamboyant clothes the year 1994 could bring. Loud music blared over at the wildly drunk audience, flashing lights followed, and the mysterious man just motioned him to go over to a (relatively) quieter part of the club, (Y/N) followed him, bumping into a few people who looked like they were higher than the fucking moon.

"Can I buy you a drink?" And (Y/N) didn't think twice before agreeing. Much of the night was spent, round after round of alcohol, both him and the other man having the time of their lives until (Y/N) could feel his speech slurring. He wasn't drunk enough to let his guard down, and was still aware of what was going on around him, although his reaction time was considerably slower than before. Before he knew it he was furiously making out with the other man, pinned against a wall in an inside hallway. The two were struggling for breath, and covered in sweat, as he moaned into the kisses. He could feel the heat radiating of the other's body only amplified by the heated atmosphere outside. (Y/N) was as close to the other man as possibly, as he lightly tugged on the other's suit, hoping he'd get the hint and take this elsewhere. A more private place than an open club.

He got the hint and they both staggered out of the still running club, into the open road and into the man's car.
"You're drunk, you sure you should be driving?" Questioned (Y/N) but the man only laughed in response.
"Screw that" he said as he sped down the road, swerving to avoid some drunkards on the pavement. The window was open and the cold breeze washed over (Y/N)'s face. He was enjoying this, not having to worry about being hunted, not being involved in anything, just living. And he'd met someone. Luck seemed to be on (Y/N)'s side as they sped along. Half an hour, after they had hit the middle of the highway they skidded to a stop. (Y/N), still deliriously happy raised an eyebrow in question. The man leaned in for a kiss which (Y/N) returned and then smiled, reaching out a hand,
"Nice to meet you" he paused. (Y/N) looked more puzzled than before but figured the man was probably completely wasted. He laughed and then reached out to shake his hand. The grin the man had dropped and he looked straight into (Y/N)'s eyes,
"My name is Mobius." He smiled again, this time at (Y/N)'s expression.

(Y/N) sighed and looked around, his hand still clutching Mobius'. They were in the middle of nowhere, it was impossible to escape from here. Cars that had previously not been around surrounded them, TVA agents filing out of it in neat lines, their weapons pointed at him. He mentally facepalmed himself, Mobius had already been on his trail. His gig was up and he was far too impressed to be mad at the revelation.
"How long have you known?" (Y/N) asked, too tired to even feign anger.
"From the time you entered my car" Mobius revealed. "I've studied you," he paused, dropping his voice down to a whisper, "I know how you work."
(Y/N) made to leave the car, pushing the door open, when Mobius spoke again,
"I like you" he smiled, a genuine smile with only a hint of mischievousness behind it.
(Y/N) stepped out of the car, his hands held high above his head in surrender. He was handcuffed and thrown into the back of one of the cars. When they get to the TVA, he thought, he'd have a word with this guy.
But damn, he was good.

A/N: I think I should've split this into 3 parts instead of 2, but the next part will come soon. Its a little shorter than I wanted it to be but I honestly cant think of what else I could've added.
I'm also working on a Namor x Male reader standalone book because I have a big fat crush on the guy.

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