Yondu Udonta || Kisses

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A/N: a LOT has happened in my life which is why I took an emergency break and disappeared for a while. I've still got some important exams left to complete so I'm not really sure how much I'll be able to write. In the meantime, thank you all for the views and votes, it means a lot to me!
This is a very short draft from quite some time ago because I don't want to lose my ability to write.
C.W: Gun mentions, alcohol, mild sexual content (it's not explicit, it's more implied?)


"I don't see why we can't blow it up"
Rocket sighed, his hand thumbing the controls on the ship. He was travelling at light speed and the steady hum of the engine grew louder and louder, the occasional machine gun firing in the background.
(Y/N) gave him an incredulous look. "Ship's too close. If we time it wrong, we'll get caught in the explosion too". (Y/N) mimicked a rocket hitting a spaceship.
"It's not worth the risk" he shrugged.

"Except it is!" Rocket stressed, barking back, "Don't you think so buddy?" He asked, looking down at the little tree sitting on the dashboard.
"I am Groot" Groot said cheerfully in response, evidently not understanding the situation.
(Y/N) sighed, placing a hand in his pocket. "Oi Yondu, can I have some backup here?" He yelled into the interior of the spaceship.

(Y/N) pressed a hand to his head to massage his temple. All this noise was getting painfully annoying now. It was supposed to be a clean escape and a simple plan and they'd still very nearly managed to screw it up. Yondu, (Y/N), Rocket and Groot had successfully stolen a spaceship; all part of their plan to escape the predicament they previously were in. But the problems hadn't stopped there: they'd still have to unite with Gamora, Peter and the others. Time was of essence and the enemy had caught wind of their escape. Now they were chasing them down and their success solely depended upon Rocket's skill at flying.

The firing of guns echoed loudly as they deflected off of the metal vessel. (Y/N) glanced back again, wondering what was taking him that long. He didn't have to wait long as Yondu walked out, putting on a thick, leather jacket. The jacket was made for him; accentuating his muscled body and making him look more attractive than he ever did before. He was too focused on trying to adjust the jacket; and (Y/N) took that time to admire his looks. His rugged handsome face and his crooked smile. He smiled inwardly to himself, considering him positively lucky he'd ever met the man. (Y/N) was lost in his own thoughts and it was only when Yondu spoke up, that he snapped back to reality.
"Take a picture, it'll last longer" he muttered, offering (Y/N) a sly smirk. (Y/N)'s ears reddened slightly as he turned away, hiding his now blushing face from Yondu's view. The moment was interrupted by Rocket yelling,
"Get all of that lovey-dovey shit outta here, there's a kid!" He pointed at Groot and then went back to barking at the control panel, muttering darkly to himself. (Y/N) cricked his neck and leant down, resting a palm on the panel.
"Well?" He questioned, looking expectantly at Yondu.

Yondu cracked his knuckles and bent down to get a closer look. He spent a short while mulling over the situation, glancing back and forth at the rear view mirrors and radar. He smiled to himself,
"I'll handle this for ya"
He whistled sharply, and the arrow that was resting under his cloak flew out, hovering in mid air. A hatch opened up towards the end of the ship and the arrow flew out; Yondu walking over to the other side to get a better view.
"Help me out here would ya" he asked (Y/N), holding his hand out.
"With pleasure" (Y/N) replied, taking his hand. They stepped out onto the back; Yondu manoeuvring his arrow and cutting through the enemy ranks while (Y/N) blasted their spaceships down with their guns. In no time, they'd completely ploughed through nearly half of their pursuers' numbers. In celebration of their successful escape and survival, Yondu reached forward to give (Y/N) a hug, while the latter raised his arm up for a high-five. After circling through an awkward minute of figuring out which gesture to use, both settled for a quick kiss, a short peck on the lips.


Things were more or less peaceful for a while after that. They only had to regroup with Peter and Gamora; the rest of their task would be smooth-sailing after that. Rocket was asleep in his seat, having turned on the auto-pilot function, while Groot yawned loudly in his pocket. (Y/N) took one final glance at the radar (to ease his conscience) and then made his way back to the main body of the spaceship. Yondu had long since retired back to his room, intending to rest for the entirety of the journey. (Y/N) too decided it was high time he'd rest; plus he hadn't properly talked to his partner and yearned to spend some time with him. He walked around until he chanced upon a closed door; figuring out this might be Yondu's room, he sharply rapped his knuckles across the metal door.

"Come in" a Low shout echoed, and (Y/N) entered his room. Seeing as they'd stolen this ship, much of the space was empty: littered with random items of the previous owners. Yondu was reclining on a chair, his feet up on the desk. In one hand he held a bottle, the other mindlessly thumbing his arrow. He gave a half-smile at (Y/N)'s entrance and took his feet off the desk, holding up the bottle; a look of triumph on his face.
"Where'd you get that?" (Y/N) questioned, surprised but a little suspicious of it.
"There's a cellar down in there, and it's got the good stuff" he took a short sip from the bottle, reaching out to offer it to (Y/N).
(Y/N) sunk down on the bed next to him, his feet crossed as he took the bottle from Yondu. They spent a while drinking until the bottle was close to finishing.

There were only a few draughts left, and although (Y/N) wasn't completely drunk, there was a pleasant buzzing in his head from the alcohol. Yondu too was feeling the same. They were sitting in an awkward position now, across each other, with (Y/N) and Yondu's legs sandwiched between each other. They were much closer to each other than they were an hour ago. (Y/N) rested his chin on his hands and looked lazily up at him.
"Whatcha thinking about" Yondu muttered, his breathing slower and deeper.
"Don't you ever get bored of this...hmm?" (Y/N) responded, his voice dragging over the words.
"Nah" he scoffed and then went quiet for a bit. "The fighting sometimes..."
"Yeah" (Y/N) replied, glad that he'd shared the same idea. "We gotta take a break sometime.... Y'know, like go on vacation or something..."

He didn't respond, but merely nodded, smiling to himself all the while. He reached out to touch a lock of (Y/N)'s hair and twirled it around his finger. Neither men said anything; they were enjoying the silence far too much to do so. Yondu reached out for the bottle on the desk, gripping it by its neck as he brought the bottle to (Y/N)'s lips, tipping it. The liquid dribbled from his mouth, trailing down the soft skin of his neck. Yondu pressed his lips to it, kissing the other's neck softly. A soft moan escaped (Y/N)'s mouth. (Y/N) felt his face heating up, his breath hitched as Yondu gently bit his skin. (Y/N) shifted into a more comfortable position, placing one hand on the other man's thigh and the other hand roughly gripping the collar of his jacket.

(Y/N) placed soft kisses on his jawline, working his way up to his lips. He snuck soft bites between the kisses, drawing a reaction from the other man. Between the kisses and touches, Yondu had his hands tracing the finer lines of (Y/N)'s body; feeling it. Every kiss was deeper than the last as they fiercely made out, their breathing getting faster and faster. Yondu bit (Y/N)'s bottom lip, causing the other man to moan again. Time had completely lost its importance and the world seemed to be coming to a standstill as (Y/N) focused himself on the only one that mattered to him in the moment.

A/N: I'm not feeling confident in my ability to write intimate scenes anymore so critique and advice would really be appreciated, thanks!

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