Namor || Kiss of Life

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C.W: Drowning, Attempted Murder (not that graphic).
(No spoilers for Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, Not ashamed to admit I cried at some of the scenes because it was so beautiful and so so sad)

(Y/N) could feel his breath being taken away.
No, not the romantic kind.
He was drowning.
He gasped and flailed aimlessly, he didn't know how to swim well and he was sinking deeper and deeper underneath the surface. The light from the evening sky above was slowly dimming as (Y/N) pummelled and kicked the water around him, trying his best to rise from the depths beneath. He was dragged out of his camp and thrown in here, god knows by whom, but he was certain he had a fair few enemies. His nose was blocked, completely stuffed with blood after having been punched hard in the face, making it harder to breathe. The attempt he made to rise out of the water wasn't working, he thought dimly. So this was how he was going to go out: drowning. It was such a stupid way to die. Had he not been disoriented after the attack he would've been able to push himself back up, at least, until help arrived. (Y/N)'s waterlogged clothes bellowed out from around him as the light grew further and further away. He could feel his mind slowing down too. He wasn't able to struggle now; willing for his limbs to move, but they didn't. The lack of oxygen was getting to him and he was afraid he wouldn't be able to keep his consciousness awake for any longer. The world around him grew dimmer and dimmer until he finally blacked out.


Namor was outside Talokan when he saw it. A body sinking deeper into the water. The blood, that seemed to have been dripping from the person's nose diffused into the water around. It was a pitiful sight he thought, and although this was the body of a land dweller, he wouldn't stay put if someone's life was in danger. Namor, after giving it a small thought, and seeing no harm in saving the mystery man's life, powered through the water, closing the gap between them in an instant. He wrapped a muscled arm around the body, holding it firm but also gently, and dragged it, piercing through the thick waters quickly and rising to the surface.

It was night time, no one was out now; he wouldn't be seen. Namor flipped the body over, face up, hoping to see the familiar rising and falling of the chest cavity. It wasn't there; the man wasn't breathing. He checked for a pulse by pressing the wrist with his hand, and, not feeling a single pulse, promptly began to press down on his chest in a short rhythmic manner, hoping to restart the man's heart. He leant down, pinching the other's nose shut and breathing life into the dying man. It took some time before (Y/N) coughed and spluttered, spitting out the water that had filled his lungs. The moonlight shone well, highlighting the features of the man's face, and, although the didn't want to admit it to himself, he was quite handsome. Beautiful even. He paused, sparing the man a lasting softer glance and then tore his eyes away. Namor's work was done here. He couldn't risk him being seen so he left the body where it was, checking the vicinity for if anyone was present there to witness him. He stepped over the coughing and spluttering figure giving it a lasting glance and proceeded to the water, gaining depth as he waded through it with every step, until he disappeared underneath the surface.


(Y/N) couldn't remember anything, nor did he know how he'd gotten there. When he woke up, on the shore, he thought he had died already, and the universe was playing some sick joke on him. But he realised, soon enough, how alive he really was. The first thing he felt was the unbearable cold; his clothes were sopping wet and was sticking to him, paired with the sea breeze, he was freezing. He looked down at his watch but it had long since stopped working, having being just as waterlogged as his clothes and shoes were. There was sand stuck to the side of his body that lay on the beach. Of the many odd things that transpired, (Y/N) was now in the possession of a jade earring; small and square and carved with symbols he couldn't understand. He didn't know how, or why it had ended up with him but it was beautiful to look at, and very old. He'd never seen anything like it. Perhaps the universe decided to wash up this piece of lost history alongside him last night. He pored over the small ornament, passing it around his hands and appreciating the beauty of the workmanship on it. The man who attempted to murder him wasn't coming back anytime soon, he was sure of it, so he decided he'd stay here a bit longer before returning back. The shoreline was beautiful and the sun was just beginning to rise, creating a beautiful splash of colour that blended in with the sea.

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