Steve Rogers II Back To You

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WARNINGS: NOne...DRAAAAMAAA, PLOT TWIST...Read till the end...Please...

This was it. You hated every moment of your existence. And after what just happened, you fear you might murder him with rage, or you might break down and cry in a corner. You chose the latter. Because no matter what happened, you could never hurt him, never hurt the man you loved so deeply, so much, with every tiny inch of your existence. 

But he hurt you. 

And that was the final straw. 

You see, (Y/N) recently found Steve Rogers, HIS Steve Rogers, kissing another woman. And after years of going out, after years of loving the man, and after years of building trusts and bonds, he betrayed you, and he betrayed you bad.  One of your close friends, Agent Dylan, had shown you the video after a field operation, and it broke you. Rushing off to your room, crying, you vowed never to fall for anyone again, staring sadly, hanging on to his photo, a memento from your first date. 

Agent Dylan's POV : 

Dear Diary, 

I hate him. Stupid (Y/N) (L/N). He's a little slut, he gets everything he wants to in life. A job, A car and Steve Rogers. When I first met Steve, on a field Mission, I admired him. And soon admiration grew into love. I fell in love with him. His kind personality, his stunning eyes, and his body. I wanted him more than anything else, a sort of obsession I couldn't control. We went on a few missions with him, and he was a really cool fellow. It was a sort of limerence. Not anything like a small crush. And when Steve asked (Y/N) out, my heart shattered. I loved him. I was about to ask him out,  but he beat me to it, just to another person. I cried and cried all night, and when (Y/N) asked me what was wrong, I was filled with rage. He, (Y/N), stole the man I loved, so obviously I was going to get revenge. I love Steve. And (Y/N) is going to pay for it.



(Y/N) walked through the corridors of the living quarters, sulking to himself. He just saw Steve, and slammed the door in his face. It was too painful. 

"Please (Y/N) open the door, Please" Steve yelled, his voice somewhat muffled. Your heart was breaking once more, but you held. A single tear streaked down your face as you pulled out your phone again to watch the video of Steve kissing a blonde woman. The video was sent by Dylan, and speaking of Dylan, you had just received a text.

"How are you keeping up?" 

"I'm alright, still miss him though" 

"Well, keep it up, move on, see you tomorrow" 


Was all you said before putting the phone down. You owe it all to Dylan. He saved your life. Without knowing where your feet were carrying you, you reached Dylan's room. It was smaller than yours, but a couple of old bloodstains were present on the carpet. Odd. Moreover, there were things flipped here and there, like someone had been searching through it. Odd. You went through some piles of old stuff, when something caught your eye. A thick, leather bound book lay open on his bed. On a page open, you caught a picture of Steve and you, however you were covered in thick, black ink. That's weird, you thought to yourself before reading the next page. 

On and on you flipped through, taking in every single piece of information, disgust and horror spreading across you face with each page flipped, until the message finally sunk in. 

Dylan made the video. 

There was never Steve kissing another woman, it was Dylan who fabricated the whole thing. All because he wanted Steve. Your Friend, Your Best Friend, hated you. 

"Oh, (Y/N), here you are, please, just listen to me. I never kissed a woman, it was...the video was fake, please believe me (Y/N), please" Steve said as he barged into the room , fell before you, into your hands, finally breaking down, crumbling, crying, as helpless a man can be. 

"Oh Steve...Oh my god.. I'm sorry I didn't believe you, I'm sorry I-"

You stuttered, holding his hands and crying into his shoulder. 

"I'm Sorry" was all you said before leaning in and kissing him gently, making up for all tha pain you caused him. 

"I love you (Y/N)" was all he said. 

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