Loki || Perfect

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A/N: Haven't written much for marvel because I'm going through some major JoJo brain rot BUT new chapter! This is a request by @unwanted_dino and I'm so so so sorry for how late this was, I promise I didn't forget.
This one's an x dysphoric FTM reader, so please do tell me if I've gotten anything incorrect. Once again thank you to my IRL for helping me think up some ideas for this.

T.W: misgendering (once) and depiction of dysphoria.

(Y/N) buttoned up his shirt to the very top, running his hands across his chest and flattening the shirt down multiple times. The shirt itself was far too big for him, but it was the best he could find. When he was satisfied with how it looked, he proceeded to run his hands through his hair, hoping it wouldn't mess up during the event. It was Thor's birthday after all, and he wanted to spend it on Earth with his teammates and family. Loki, despite all the feuds he'd been in with Thor, had been invited too, and he chose to bring (Y/N) along as his plus one. Loki and (Y/N) shared a complicated relationship. They weren't "just friends", closer in fact, but neither had really asked the other out "officially". Whatever it was, (Y/N) enjoyed it. To be able to be loved and to have a best friend to confide in, all in a single person was quite the rare occurrence and (Y/N) was lucky he had this, whatever "this" was.

Regardless, he pulled himself away from his now wandering thoughts and left the room. He was ready, he spared the mirror another short glance, and, looking thoroughly pleased with himself he sunk down on the couch. The door to Loki's room was still shut, no doubt, he was still getting ready. At this rate they were almost certainly going to be late. (Y/N) diverted his attention to his phone, shooting a text to Jane about their current situation. At the same time, the door swung open revealing a rather modestly dressed Loki. (Y/N) thought he'd go all out for the celebration but quickly realised he probably didn't want to be seen there. Nothing personal, just bad blood with some of the other avengers. He straightened his tie and, catching sight of you on the couch, made his way over, heels clacking loudly over the floor.
"Shall we?" Loki held an arm out for his partner, and (Y/N) threw him a quick grin, taking his hand nevertheless.
"Well someone's cleaned up well today" he whispered, nodding at your choice of clothing.
The temperature seemed to rise by a few degrees, whether it was Loki's statement or his gaze that triggered the reaction, was completely unknown to him.
(Y/N) looked away,
"Let's just go" he mumbled, as he led Loki down to a parked car, the chauffeur holding the door open for them.


The hall was quite far away from their residence, and (Y/N) spent most of the ride chatting animatedly with his partner. He was positively excited, and with good reason too; after all it wasn't everyday that one gets invited to party with the Asgardians. Big names like Stark and Banner would be there too. He felt equally nervous, and the combined pressure of those two emotions caused his stomach to flip.
"You're nervous"
It wasn't a question, it was an observation. (Y/N) toyed with the button on his sleeves,
"Yes I am"
"Why?" He was direct like that and never danced around a question. It was one of the few things (Y/N) really liked about him.
"I don't know", that was the truth, he didn't know.
"Many people, big crowd." He paused, thinking for a bit, "popular crowd...What if I make a fool of myself? What if they don't like me? I just-", (Y/N) hesitated again, "I feel like an outsider"

Loki reached out and took (Y/N)'s hand in his, squeezing it in reassurance.
"You won't feel like an outsider" He began tracing circles into your hand, "and even if you do, that makes two of us"
He smiled, a smile that sent a wave of reassurance back to you. Loki's little exploits had made him public enemy number one in the eyes of the Avengers, and he wasn't technically asgardian: an outsider to his own people. Who'd better understand this feeling than him. Loki leaned forward, closing the gap between their lips, (Y/N) did so too before being rather rudely interrupted by the loud screech of tires on the tarmac. (Y/N) cringed internally before getting out of car, followed by Loki. The car soon disappeared into the night and the loud music emanating from inside greeted them.

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