Loki || A Bit Of Both Part 2

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Basic: it's a Memory based one Loki goes to look through the old records and he finds a file with happy ending on it, he's still sad about (Y/N) but he picks one up under the happy endings tab and then plays the video and voila he and (Y/N) ruled together.
Idea Creds: @RxtSmiles
C.W: Angst? Fluff? alcohol mention (drunk characters)

It had been a while since Loki had fallen asleep. He was far too drunk and too tired to be caring about everything going on around him. It had only been a few days since the TVA caught hold of him, but so many things had transpired after that, far too much for him to keep track of. His mind seemed to floating out of his body, reliving everything that had happened over the course of the past few days. Vaguely, he remembered getting on a train with another rogue Loki variant, he remembered getting drunk and singing, but he didn't remember why he was here anyway or what he was supposed to be doing here. He betrayed Mobius and escaped but he didn't really understand why. His thoughts kept swimming back to one particular incident, and one particular person in his life. Things had gone so wrong for the two of them. Maybe, deep down inside, he still wished that he could bring those moments back, even though he knew his former partner never retained any love for him. He'd escaped with the intention of running away from all what Mobius and the TVA stood for, but he had no goal, no purpose and no direction. Frankly he didn't know what exactly he wanted, bring (Y/N) back? But (Y/N) had moved on, probably loved another. But even then he was never destined to be with (Y/N), in every timeline they had been pulled apart, one way or another.

One particular memory kept swimming back to his conscious, as if on loop, over and over again. Part of him didn't want to see this memory again, it brought him insurmountable amounts of rage at the TVA. Yet another, softer, more broken part of him wished he'd be able to relive the moment over and over again, stuck in the instance where he first picked up and viewed that old file in the records room of the TVA.
Mobius had long since left him alone at the records library and Loki was bored out of his skull. When he heard the TVA required his help, he envisioned himself doing something a lot cooler than poring over hundreds of old files and analysing the timelines of millions of other Asgards. It was boring work: seeing as most timelines weren't very different from each other. Occasionally he'd come across an interesting timeline; like when Thor was turned into a frog or one where Loki himself wielded mjolnir, but those were rare and Mobius never allowed him to spend too much time on them.

Loki got up from his seat, stretching his arms and yawned eyeing the stack Mobius had been sorting out. He had been explicitly forbidden from touching any of the files in those stacks. He smirked to himself, a new thought making its way into his head. If he was forbidden from looking through them, surely there must be something interesting in there, Loki thought. He spared the crack between the door a quick glance, watching the retreating figure of Mobius flanked by a couple of TVA Agents. He didn't seem like he was returning any time soon, so Loki made his way over, precariously rummaging through the stack Mobius was going through. The files weren't anything particularly interesting, he thought to himself as he replaced the file he had picked up in exactly the same position he'd found it in. Multiple words stood out through the front page of each file: "Thor", "Asgard" and "Jane Foster" were among those, along with his own name, but they weren't anything particularly interesting from what he could glean. He re-arranged the pile, taking great care to make sure it looked like it did before, with a slight pang of disappointment in his heart.

He didn't know why he felt disappointed. Perhaps, deep inside he'd been hoping he'd catch his own name alongside (Y/N)'s, but it was just wishful thinking on his part. (Y/N) had parted ways with Loki a long time ago and had made it very clear he didn't want to be associated anymore. It was stupid and so sudden. At the time it didn't make any sense but over the years Loki understood their relationship was always set to fail. Ironic as it may be, Loki actually imagined a future with that idiot, and all he ever wanted was the Prince's attention, not love. He was never in it for long term. It never stopped hurting though. Loki stared down at the files, lost in thought about the happy times he spent with (Y/N). Whenever he felt down, (Y/N) was there to listen to him, talk to him. He felt his eyes fill up with tears but he didn't let them fall, instead his heart just beat with a dull ache. Almost absent mindedly he made his way to the discarded cassette tapes stacked on the edge of Mobius' desk, picking them up and fiddling with them. Amongst the many scribbled names, his own name shone on the front of one of the records. He hadn't seen many of these today, save for the one Mobius showed him at the very beginning of his entry into the TVA so this was different. This was new. Records were usually only reserved for meaningful events, extremely tragic deaths or even a happy ending. He picked it up and made his way to the device on their desk. Mobius had showed him multiple tapes like these, and he'd observed every move the other man made, purely out of fascination. He knew, although vaguely, how to operate this machine and finally after quite a bit of struggling, managed to play the tape. He moved closer to take a better look, his eyes glistening fresh with new tears that had just formed. Loki's heart was racing.
"Hear Ye, hear ye! You all are cordially invited to the Wedding Ceremony of our Prince...." And so on and so forth. The atmosphere in Asgard was bustling and busy; the atmosphere one would see in preparation for a wedding. At the announcement some of the towns' girls swooned in disappointment, others cheered. You could feel the energy emanating from the crowd as everyone prepared for the ceremony. The streets of Asgard were lined with flowers and other decorations and the Royal Guard's presence had doubled, with soldiers patrolling every street. Back in Asgard itself, the Prince and his fiancé were nowhere to be seen.

Loki rested his face on his chin and looked around the valley underneath his vantage point. He was sitting on a rock overlooking the area, a secluded location that only he and (Y/N) had entered. Whenever things got too overwhelming, or whenever they needed a break, the lovers would come to this place to while away their time and ease each other's worries. He was contemplating, thinking about something with a small smile on his face. Anyone who'd seen him could tell he didn't look happy, but he didn't look sad either. Content, was the word one could attribute to his expression. (Y/N) struggled a bit with the lose shrubbery but managed to get to the rock Loki was sitting on. He merely sat next to him and Loki wrapped an arm around his shoulder, pulling them closer together.
"Someone's busy" he poked, reading the expression on Loki's face.
"I'm just... mulling over things" he shrugged, then pressing a small kiss to (Y/N)'s cheek. A long pause followed that statement as (Y/N) tried to understand what he was getting at.
"Is this about our wedding? Are you nervous?"
"I wonder." He paused trying to find the right words to phrase his worry, "will I be a good ruler? Will we be good rulers? Will the people of Asgard thrive under our rule?" He spoke fast before slowing down again, "I worry constantly, about my people, about you. If I'm being honest, I'm a little scared. It seems too daunting a task"
(Y/N) looked at him fondly. Loki was prone to bouts of self doubt like this. He never realised how much he meant to everyone around him, how much he meant to Thor, Frigga and most importantly, how much he meant to (Y/N). He was always doubting his own abilities, his own talents and his own skill. (Y/N) gently turned his face to his own.
"You'll be an amazing ruler Loki, we will be. And under our rule, This land will prosper. I trust your judgement. It's okay to be nervous sometimes. If it makes you feel any better, I'm just as nervous as you are. Besides, with the way the people celebrated your wedding announcement, it would be stupid to assume that they don't like you."
Loki laughed at that, sharing small kisses with (Y/N) before they made their way back to the palace.
He paused the tape. The tears were falling faster now. Loki shut his eyes and pressed a hand to his forehead, massaging it. He had a strange mixed feeling in his stomach, one which he couldn't attribute to any emotion. Longing perhaps. In another universe, he had family. His brother loved him and so did Odin. But most importantly (Y/N) still did. With shaking hands he unpaused the video, standing numb from all the emotion.

There was very obviously a time jump. Loki looked a lot older, a lot more mature. If he were asked to pin down his age he'd say it was in his early forties. Even
(Y/N) looked a lot older and god did he look beautiful. The pair were addressing the public in Asgard, standing next to each other in front of a lovely double throne. Thor and Jane were together albeit, seated a little lower than the king's position. There were some new people in court, unfamiliar faces, a giant pile of rocks? But it looked happy and all the happiness ended when the machine spluttered and cranked and the tape ceased to a stop. They had grown old together. (Y/N) and Loki had lived and loved together to what seemed to be the end of their lives. At least, in another universe they did. He hated himself, he hated everything about himself. All he wanted to do was sit and cry over the the life he never had and would never have. There was too much of s rift between them for (Y/N) to come back. He bit back a sob, grinding his teeth together and trying his hardest to pull together a strong face. He hastily wiped off the tears and forced his regular expression on his face. The returning footsteps of Mobius were echoing across the corridor outside. He sat himself back down into his chair and absorbed himself in another file. Mobius glanced at him suspiciously and sat back down at his place.
"Haven't been up to any mischief have you?"
"You can trust me Mobius" Loki stared back at him.
And his consciousness dissolved.
He opened his eyes blearily, looking up at a disgusted looking Sylvie, and ignoring her completely went back to the bar.

A/N: weak ending. Such a weak ending. BUT if any of you want to pick up any of these one shots and turn it into a full fledged story, you're more than welcome to do so! Just ask me or give creds, any one is fine. Thanks for reading :)

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