Bruce Banner || I Only Want To Love You | Part 1

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A/N: This is a request for @One_directioner4eva , thank you for requesting!!
Adding on to this, my requests are open so comment or DM me if you've got something! And this story was a bit too long for a single chapter so I split it across 2 parts.

C.W: Semi-Yandere, descriptions of violence.

Bruce didn't know what love was. More specifically though, he didn't know how to love. It was a fact accepted by him that nothing ever went right, not in his case. Things went wrong, he drove people away; it is after all hard to make friends when you're the "Incredible Hulk". He'd seen lovers leave their loved ones; breakups, death even. So when he realised he was in love, he made sure he'd go to any lengths to protect them. As for who it was that captured and ensnared his heart? Why, it was none other than (Y/N). A childhood friend of his. Someone who'd been with him since they were kids. Guaranteed it took him a while to know he was in love with (Y/N) but it was only a matter of time until he realised what all the stuttering and the constant butterflies in his stomach (around you) meant.


"Because I care about you." He said, and he wholeheartedly meant it too.
He heard a lofty laugh at the other end, causing him to break into a wide smile, a tinge of red dusting his cheek.
"I care about you too Bruce" there was a pause, "I'll see you later, bye" the voice said before cutting the call.

Bruce put down the phone on his desk, still smiling at the conversation. He'd only just got off from a call with (Y/N). He figured, what with the Avenger's work, missions and his own research it would be tough to find time to protect (Y/N). So far he could only manage to check up by talking over the phone, as a result they'd been calling each other every other day. These conversations were the highlight of his day; every phone call would leave him a flustered smiling mess.

"Hey champ, what are you smiling at?" Tony strolled in, holding a peeled banana in his hand and a microchip in the other. Typical.
"It- it's nothing" He said, shaking the smile off his face. The last person he'd want to tell about his crush, was Tony. He'd make it into a big deal, thought Bruce, and tease him about it, both of which was not something he wanted. Worst case scenario, Tony would try to get with (Y/N), he was that kind of guy. And, much to his dismay, Bruce realised that Tony was just the kind of person (Y/N) would be into.

"C'mon" he whined, "who's the lucky lady?" He dragged on.
"It really is nothing, Tony" Bruce was starting to get worn out now.
"Fine be like that." He muttered darkly to himself, rolling his eyes.

The silence after, was pretty awkward and Bruce found his thoughts wandering to you instead. You were supposed to meet each other the next week. (Y/N) said he was far too busy to meet up this weekend, busy with what exactly, Bruce did not know. He had a pretty good idea of the job you were working; a software engineer. Nothing dangerous about that, right? Even so, his heart ached with worry and longing, wanting to check if you were indeed safe, he put on a thick jacket and went outside, walking in the direction of (Y/N)'s place.

It wasn't that far. In reality, the walk took about fifteen minutes or so. The buildings around the area were placed at an odd angle to each other, which meant the second story of the bookstore lined up perfectly with (Y/N)'s window. With a tinge of guilt he thought, what he was doing was wrong. Morally. But who cares, he shrugged to himself, easing his consciousness, it was to protect him after all, to protect his beloved (Y/N). He strolled into the bookstore, and walked down to the farthest shelf, acting vaguely like he was in interested in the books there. What he really was doing though, was having a look into (Y/N)'s apartment window.

The windows weren't tinted so he had a pretty good view. Bruce had never been in his apartment but he already had a general idea of how it looked like. (Y/N) was at his desk, typing away at something or the other. His heart fluttered at the sight of (Y/N). So he was indeed safe. Bruce let out a sigh of relief, smiling to himself.
"Sir May I help you?" A young voice approached him, interrupting his daydream.
He looked up and (Y/N) was no longer there at his desk, slightly alarmed he ignored the shop assistant and shoved past her, walking down to to the street as fast as he could.

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