Stephen Strange || A Kind Of Magic

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A/N: I was supposed to post this chapter quite a while ago but that was the day of the Freddie Mercury Tribute Concert 1992, and I was way too depressed and sad to continue so I'm really very sorry.
EDIT: at the time of writing, the FM tribute concert was being aired, so about a couple of months back. I never posted because I was too stressed but now I'm getting back in the flow of things... Again I'm SO SO SO sorry for the extra-Long Hiatus but I swear I will NEVER leave Wattpad- because here I feel loved.
- J

TW: SMUT... Swearing.
You won't believe what I've thought of for my darling Doctor.

"Oy listen the fuck up darling"
(Y/N) yelled from the other room.
"Listen love, I've got to go, there's an open Hydra base, and Tony wants us there ASAP" You continued to shout assuming that your boyfriend was still in the bedroom.
This Mission was unprecedented.
Guaranteed, because after every major Attack, Hydra always managed to open up new bases.
However, this time was different. The intel received was that there was a lab in this operations base, likely containing a few hundred test subjects, so unlike most missions which could be planned to the maximum beforehand, here, lives were at stake and demanded immediate action.
Unfortunately for (Y/N), he and Stephen were supposed to be having an evening in, a private evening, just to themselves to celebrate their first anniversary of dating.

And this Mission popped up.

The intel came a couple of hours back and the majority of the afternoon was preparing their willpower and equipment, so (Y/N) didn't even have a chance to say goodbye.

A "proper" goodbye, if you catch my flow ;)

Naturally, this put Stephen in a bad mood for the rest of the day.
Which, coming back to the point made him ignore (Y/N) completely, instead spending the time on the balcony, sulking.
Until, a brilliant idea swept into his mind, sending a mischievous smirk across his face.
"Love, I've really got to go. Wish me luck?" - said (Y/N) as he entered the room, finding Stephen at the balcony.
"Good luck, I love you baby"- Stephen started with a soft smile hiding the trail of numerous (and very dirty) thoughts running through his head.
Y/N: "You're not mad at me are you?"
"No why would I be. It's just... I was really looking forward to this evening"
"I was too..."
With a small smile Stephen looked into (Y/N)'s eyes, hands cupping his face, as he leaned into a deep kiss.

(Time Skip to after the Mission and everyone's back alive- very groggy and dirty and tired. But very much alive)

"That went well."
"Could have been better"
"Nah we were good"
"You say that all the time Tones"
"Well the Mission couldn't have gone bad, I was there"
"And I was waiting for that"
*cue intense eye rolling*
"Debrief time then (Y/N), the best part"
"Fuck. I've already been fried twice, SHIELD is going to grill my brains with this Debriefing"
"Fuck them"
"3 in the morning"
"Can't they push it back"
"No can do (N/N), this was a major Mission"
"Ah fuck"
Finished (Y/N) still groaning in pain from the events of the Mission.
Getting completely fried not once but twice by grenades and then being attacked from all sides whilst simultaneously evacuating innocent people, does indeed cause a lot of stress. And a Long Debrief that could last hours at the maximum was not what (Y/N) had in mind. He would much prefer (and who wouldn't?) to head back and sleep next to the comforting warmth of Stephen.
Instead he was forced to trudge through to the Debriefing Room and try not to fall asleep.
When he got there, Tony was already being questioned, so you were stuck for an indefinite amount of time- which (Y/N) took as an opportunity to sneak a nap.
What seemed like a few moments later he was rudely awoken by Director Fury;
"Wake up motherfucker, you shouldn't be sleeping before a debriefing. It's your turn to go anyway"
The familiar room was lit with blue light as you walked in, making you feel more awake then ever. A quick glance through the glass, and you saw Stephen, smiling at you, a hint of mischief in his eyes.
Ignoring him completely, you sat back and began speaking.
A moment later you jerked back up, violently.
Oh god, not now Stephen.
You glanced at him again, and this time he was smirking wildly.
Fuck- (Y/N) whispered.
"Are you ok, (Y/N)?"
"I'm- I'm good, let's continue"
No (Y/N) wasn't feeling good, and he knew exactly what was going to happen.
So it wasn't much of a surprise when you could feel his fingers in your ass.
Gently moving up and down, making you instantly hard.
"Are you sure you're ok (Y/N)?"
"I'm fine really"
"You have a weird expression on your face"
"No I'm fine, let's get going"
Throughout the debriefing, you could occasionally feel him fingering you making you harder than ever.
After what seemed like an eternity of torture, you got up and practically ran out of the Debriefing Room, into the hallway, smashing your lips onto his.
You both were against the wall now, so close to each other, you could feel how hard he was, awkwardly snogging and making your way into the nearest closet, slamming the door shut. His weight on yours the sweat dripping from your bodies. The doctor looked vulnerable in your arms, his legs wrapped around your waist as you worked your way up his chest, pulling off the t shirt he had on, nearly ripping in two.
You started biting his bottom lip, earning small moans, and then moved to Attack his exposed neck, marking him as yours- hitting the spot, which caused Stephen to moan loudly.
Letting out a Low growl you flipped him over, grinding him slowly. Pinning his hands behind his back, you pressed against him, growling in his ear,
"You want to be naughty?
You bad, bad boy.
This is your punishment"
You stroked your length, slowly entering Stephen, his hands still behind his back now yelling your name out, louder and louder with every thrust. Starting slow then moving faster and faster, your bodies in rythme. With every thrust you felt him, how tight he was, until he was practically screaming out your name, with every inch of his being. You both came, almost simultaneously, panting and gasping for air as you both collapsed on to the floor, sending Stephen a small smile before you drifted off to sleep, from the sheer exhaustion.

(The Next Morning)

It was quite early when you both awoke, and, realising where you were, you recalled the events of last night.
And what a night it was.
"Get up. Stephen, get up. The others are going to wonder where we've been"
He finally woke up, looking groggy and tired.
"Help me up, will you"
Hurrying out of the closet, you walked fast ahead, only to find Stephen fat behind, limping.
"God you've destroyed me"
"Enjoyed it?"
"Very much so"
"Fuck you"
"You've just done that."

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