Bruce Banner || I Only Want To Love You | Part 2

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A/N: second part to the Bruce Banner one shot.
C.W: depictions of violence, semi-yandere.

Bruce was completely out of his mind now. He wasn't sure who was in control of his body: the hulk or himself? The transformation was agonising, he could feel the rage build up in his head and he felt it all explode out of him. He looked at his hands, they were no longer the colour of his flesh, instead, he saw big green arms with muscles bulging out. Bruce could feel the hulk fighting against him for control over their body. The hulk almost always won, leaving behind him a trail of destruction.

He didn't want to hurt (Y/N) though. Hulking out was the worst thing that could've happened in the moment, he didn't know what the hulk would do to him. There was even a possibility that the Hulk would kill (Y/N) in a fit of rage. With the mission details, Bruce had forgotten all sense of reason and not being able to keep suppressed his emotions, had led him to this stage. For now it was an internal battle. The hulk charged out of the compound, roaring wildly. Bruce tried his best to stay in control of his body and mind. On the outside the Monster looked like it was fighting itself; one moment it was leaping through the streets of New York and the next it was punching itself in the face. Either way, the situation was getting out of hand and all Bruce wanted to think about, was protecting (Y/N).

His consciousness slowly slipped away giving full control to the hulk. The Monster ran through the streets, causing cracks in the pavement and road with every heavy footfall. The fifteen minute route to (Y/N)'s apartment was covered in under three. Pedestrians ran and screamed. The hulk was a hero, although admittedly not one favoured by the common folk. Glass shattered and buildings rattled from the sheer force of the Hulk's movement. It crashed through the window of the apartment building and ripped (Y/N)'s door with its large arms, taking a chunk of the wall along with it.


(Y/N) had no idea what was going on. The building was shaking slightly, and that was the first thing that alerted him that something was wrong. He peered out of his bedroom window, nothing outside looked out of the ordinary. He drew in a breath. He was probably on edge because of the workload. There was a possibility that he had hallucinated the shaking. He walked over to the kitchen, pouring out for himself, a glass of water. (Y/N) couldn't shake away the feeling that something bad was going to happen. He had been feeling on edge but this particularly sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach was new.

The shaking started again, and he could hear the sounds of crumbling concrete. He ran to the front of his apartment to the living room, his hand was shaking now. There was always the possibility that he was being attacked. (Y/N) knew he wasn't at a high enough position at the firm to be attacked, but he was indeed working with SHIELD, and that placed enough of a target on his back. His boss had warned him to be on guard all the time, lest something untoward happen.

(Y/N) tip-toed to the drawer along the wall. He could sense something was outside his door, and he heard the crunch of shattered glass. He was breathing hard now as he pulled open the drawer and reached inside. He hoped it would not have come to this, it was only used as a last resort. He reached for the gun, turning off the safety and cocking it with a small click. He walked slowly across the room, going closer and closer to the door.

The door was ripped off of its hinges and the wall crumbled around it, sending dust and debris flying towards him. Shards of glass and chipped wood attacked his face, drawing blood and leaving behind multiple cuts on his face. The angry green monster roared in front of him, almost like it was in pain. (Y/N) reacted immediately, firing the gun. Once, twice. None of the bullets pierced it's thick skin, instead ricocheting off in other directions. The hulk got madder and madder, yelling and raging, destroying the living room bit by bit. It sent things flying around as it leaped around in its rampage, taking more of the walls with it.

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