Yondu Udonta || You're Fucking Crazy

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A/N: this chapter is a request for @victor4902
Thank you so much for requesting and I'm terrible sorry for the extra long wait.

Also I will most likely be writing more Dr strange and other characters because I'm finally getting some inspiration after watching Dr Strange: Multiverse of Madness. I'm also simultaneously writing an AOT reader insert (published) , as well as a Jojos: Phantom Blood Reader x Reader and finally I'll be doing a Gellert Grindelwald x Reader because Mads is amazing as Grindelwald!
Edit: I got covid last week so I've been resting , ignore the choppy writing quality. Please.

"You can't be doing worse than this!", (Y/N) loudly barked at the man, now cowering under his enormous frame. The man had been fidgeting and fumbling with a control panel, a dozen screws and a wrench hung loosely from his waist. The taller man slapped the wrench out of the other's hands.
"Let me show you how it's done" (Y/N) huffed angrily, muttering a small remark, "Idiot" under his breath.
He knelt down to the panel and began tinkering with it, one hand flying across the keys and the other unplugging and replugging wires. In no time the little blue light flickered back on, indicating that the job was done. (Y/N) reached out and snatched a towel, wiping the spots of grease off of his hands and glaring at the new engineer. It was quite normal for people to be intimidated by him and he seemed to take pride in knowing that fact.

Rocket trudged in, Groot on his shoulder. Noticing his entrance, (Y/N) waved off the scared engineer and made way for them. He draped the towel he had just used , around his shoulder, raising his eyebrow at Rocket and Groot in a questioning glance.

"Don't go so hard on them, we won't have enough crew mates if you keep scaring them off" Rocket said, Groot nodding in agreement from his shoulder.
(Y/N) frowned, "They need some breaking in before-" but was interrupted by Rocket waving him off and shaking his head in disagreement. "We've got another guy coming on to the ship" and in response to (Y/N)'s look of confusion he added, "This guy's a fighter, no one gets on his bad side".
Rocket gave a small head-pat to Groot and then chuckled to himself, "you'd get along with him wonderfully" he remarked, leaving (Y/N) all the more confused as to who this stranger was, and what kind of person he is. (Y/N) merely shrugged off the comment, shook his head and asked, his tone rough, "and where would this so called 'fighter' be?".
"Dunno", he uttered nonchalantly, "all I know is that he'll be here, sooner or later".
Satisfied with the response, (Y/N) set off to continue his work around the ship. He still had yet to train some of the newer recruits as well as conduct a couple of odd repairs. The repairs he could handle in no time, the trainees were a lot more difficult to work with; a vast majority of them lacked common sense. He huffed, feeling a sudden pang of annoyance at his situation and then waved the feeling off. This was just regular work. The curiosity that had once enveloped his mind about the new recruit had long since abated. There were more important things to focus on now.

An hour had passed by and (Y/N) was demonstrating basic technique to the newer engineers on the ship. A vast majority of them were incredibly dense, lacking the dedication and discipline required to work on the ship, he thought silently to himself. He'd already lost his cool at one of the recruits, having yelled at them for asking a plethora of unnecessary questions. He wiped the sweat from his forehead and barked out a couple of orders; now that he was done with the demonstration they were all official members of the crew and thus had to get back to their work as soon as possible.
(Y/N) was packing his tool kit, stuffing the various screwdrivers and wrenches hastily back into its case. He'd needed a break right now, and talking to Groot or Rocket would be perfect. Completely engrossed in his task, (Y/N) hadn't noticed the presence of another person approaching him, and only realised that someone was there when a pair of thick leather boots entered the field of his vision. He didn't look up, merely continuing his work.
"Ya need help?" A voice called out from above.
(Y/N), who was already on edge and incredibly exhausted grumbled angrily. Who the hell was offering help with so menial a task?
"Do I look like I need help?" He asked back coolly, shoving the rest of his stuff inside a small backpack.
"And who the hell are you anyway, I've never seen you before on the ship"

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