A/N- Important, Please Read!

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Hello everyone!
First of all I'd like to apologise for the lack of new chapters: I have examinations going on currently (they're important) and I've got a couple of research papers to finish, although I still do open wattpad and read as well as respond to comments (some of them).
Thank you all for the comments and votes on the stories, I really appreciate it.

First of all I'm seeing an uprise in negative comments especially about the writing style of some of the older chapters.
It's annoying.
I cannot help that I was a bad writer before and I'm sure I have much improved now. I don't mind people poking fun at the chapters or content material or words used while writing (it is quite funny looking back), but please for the love of god, stop texting me criticism about the writing style or try to "correct" it in the comments. I am not going back to edit everything and neither am I going to read criticism of my writing on older chapters.

Secondly, while I do admit some of the stuff I'd written fell under the umbrella of "problematic" (themes or otherwise), consider this: I was much to young then to understand what was right and what was wrong and that kind of seeped into my writing. Again, I'm not about to delete chapters for it, neither am I defending the stuff I'd written. I'm much more mature now, and I've got a better understanding of those topics and henceforth will treat topics with more care.

As for requests, they are encouraged but I'd rather you text me a request than put it in the comments. It's very difficult to keep track of them that way. And if anyone wants to pick one of the one shots to turn into a full story, go right ahead! You don't even need to credit me but if you do make one, SEND IT!!! I would love to read it!

Furthermore, yes I do accept (and encourage) criticism of my recent works and writing style as long as you're respectful about it.
Finally, I cant believe I have to say this but don't send me death threats? If you didn't like something I wrote, then that's on you.
Don't send death threats to anyone, it's immature, rude and completely uncalled for. No one deserves that.

If you made it up to this point, thank you so much for your time. I hope you have a good day/night.

Lots of love,

Marvel  x Male!Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now