Tony Stark || Wrong Number Part 3

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A/N: requested by @neoharry09
To be fair I really didn't know how to continue the story, so I tried my best; apologies for any inaccuracies in the writing.

T.W: none I think, it does get slightly sexual but nothing else. Swearing.

The memories of last Friday came back to you. It hadn't been Long after that first date of yours, only a week, but that didn't stop you from missing his smile.
And the fact that he was THE Tony Stark.
Frankly speaking, you were still in disbelief at the whole situation, more so at the fact that Tony likes men: in your mind and the media he was always a womaniser.
It was heartbreaking though, his story, and rather than deter you, it pushed you on, made your love (yes it is safe to call it love) for him grow tenfold.
All you saw in him was a broken man hiding behind the mask of a smile.
Thinking about him only made you miss him more.
The familiar beep of you phone greeted your ears and you practically fell out of bed to check the message.
Not Tony, but dad.
Grunting in disappointment you swiped back to read old texts from Tony, a little smile at every witty remark or snarky response from him. The last message sent by you "I had fun, thank you. Good night, I love you.", from a week ago, was left unopened and unread.
It would be useless to dwell on that, he was probably busy, was one of the few thoughts that ran across your mind as you went back to the workroom, set to tinkering stuff for the rest of the day that followed.
Not more than a few hours had passed, and before you knew it it was late in the evening. Not much progress with your work either, the day was wearing down on you and everything seemed to be gloomy. Perhaps the sky read your thoughts for suddenly dark clouds pulled up overhead.
You checked your phone.
Still no response.
Right outside, a black Mercedes pulled up, right in front of your apartment, which was a little weird. Not many people living around here owned a Mercedes.
Knocks on the door, and you went over to open it,

"Hi I'm Happy-"
"Well good for you, I'm not" you spoke in response, reaching to shut the door in his face.

"No. You misunderstand. My name is Happy and Tony sent me here."
Oh. OH. Well that was embarrassing, a slow blush crept to your cheek.
"Sorry about that, I haven't been feeling my best lately"
"Well whatever it is I am to take you to Stark Towers. Preferably with some clothes on."
He added, eyeing your state with a look of disdain.

It was true. At your home you walked about in nothing but a pair of old trousers, now stained with grease oil, marks on your fingers and face.
"Come in, give me a couple of minutes I'll be ready", you smiled at him hoping it would make up for the horrible first impression, before quickly rushing upstairs to give your face a good wash and put on some more presentable clothes. Thoughts still racing about why Tony was being so cryptic; firstly not opening his texts and then out of the blue just sending one of his men to fetch me. Odd, but then again this was Tony, you were talking about, not much is known about what goes on in the brilliant mind of his.

(A shOrt caR riDe laTer, which was pretty awkward because Happy doesn't like you lol)

You pulled up to the compound of Stark Towers and was practically jumped by Tony:
"Oh god (Y/N), it's been such a Long time..."
You returned the hug with equal vigour, "what happened?"
"About the texts, yeah I haven't ghosted you, I just had a Long Mission and an unfortunate accident, which blew up my phone. Didn't have time to get a new one made. Anyways, come on in, I want to show you around."
He grinned, his eyes shining with newfound excitement as he led you inside, one arm wrapped around your waist as you stared around in awe. Stark towers was a dream and you were lucky to have the opportunity to see it.
The tower was mostly empty, most of the avengers were attending other business, save for the occasional sighting of the black widow or Hawkeye roaming around. Tony took you to his room, sitting across the bed,
"Well. What do you think?"
"I love it. It's beautiful..." you whispered,  lost in your own thoughts, staring into the other man's eyes.
He suddenly flashed a grin and took your hand in his,
"This. Is for you" he spoke, while gently placing a small object in the flat of your hand.
It was a ring. No, not an engagement ring. This one was black and glinted like steel.
"Tiny touch sensor inside, I've got the other one of the pair", lifting his hand to reveal a similar ring on his index finger.
"One touch for 'I love you', two touches for 'I miss you'. This way we'll be able to communicate even if we're miles apart"
You put on the ring, embracing the feel of the cold metal on your skin. You looked up gazing into the other man's eyes, his hand still in yours as you inched closer and closer, noses almost touching now.
You made the first move, placing your lips on his, Tony kissed back of course, his hands now grabbing the collar of your shirt. Each kiss, deeper than the other raised a sort of fervent passion within the two. The adrenaline was coursing through your veins as you could feel Tony's tongue exploring the depths of your mouth.
Breaking off the kiss, (Y/N) now feasted on his exposed neck, biting, marking Tony as his own.
The rest of the time passed by in a heated makeout session, leaving you both panting and gasping in need of air at the end of it.
Time flew by, and it was late; far too late to be going off to your apartment, so Tony suggested you stay the night. Hand still entwined in yours, you collapsed onto the bed, Tony followed suit, wrapping his arms around your body, the warmth of his keeping you comfortable in the cold.
Not more than a few minutes passed before you drifted off to sleep, a smile still lingering on your face in the silence of the night.

A/N: this is the longest short story I've ever written, it's like 1k + words lmao. Anyway Happy Birthday RDJ! I love you x

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