Chapter Twenty One

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Shoto paced by the front door angrily waiting for his father to return home. He'd never expected to get so attached to the spastic girl, but since she'd left everything felt broken. Somehow she'd managed to get them all to care about her and weasel her way into their family and they wouldn't have it any other way.

The sound of his father's car pulling into the driveway caused his body to tense. He bolted for the door not wanting to wait a moment longer to make his father pay for what he'd put Ridley through. Shoto tore down the front steps just as his father made his way toward the house.

Endeavor looked confused as his youngest child raced toward him, "Shoto what are yo-?" He cut off as Shoto's right fist, encased in ice, collided into his chin with enough force he fell backward. his head bounced off the pavement and stars exploded behind his eyelids. He sat up, feeling hazy. After a moment it felt as if a fog had been lifted. He shook his head to shake away the residual effects of Mr. Fujikawa's quirk. "Where's Ridley?!" He asked his youngest child, worried.

"Gone, thanks to you!" Shoto snapped and prepared to hit his father again.

Endeavor side stepped his son, "where did she go?"

"Why do you care?!" Shoto growled.

Endeavor swore under his breath as he pulled his phone out of his pocket. He pulled up his messages and his heart fell as he saw the hurtful text he'd sent to his ward. He let out another swear before activating the GPS tracking to find her. "I'll fix this." He turned back to the car.

Meanwhile, at Tamaki's studio apartment, Mirio and Tamaki cleaned up the remnants of their mini snack feast. Tamaki looked forlornly at Ridley as she'd cried herself to sleep in the giant beanbag chair. He slowly approached her and draped a fleece blanket over her so she wouldn't catch a cold.

"Hey...where did the bitey sidekick go?" Mirio pondered as he noticed the raccoon that had been glued to Ridley was nowhere to be seen.

Tamaki glanced around growing worried. Ridley didn't need anything else to worry about right now! She had enough on her plate. "We need to find him." His voice came out frightened and panicked, afraid to let Ridley down.

Mirio picked up on the distress in his friend's voice and nodded. They started searching the apartment and the small patio. The sound of splashing water came from the bathroom, causing them both to pause, exchange curious looks and slowly make their way toward the bathroom door. They hesitated outside the bathroom door, listening carefully to see if they'd heard correctly. There was a smaller splash sound as if something was moving through water. Mirio and Tamaki exchanged a look before slowly opening the bathroom door.

Mirio choked on a laugh as he surveyed the scene before him. Ryland was kicking back in the bathtub with two cucumber slices over his eyes that he'd swiped from the vegetable tray. Tamaki stared at the raccoon that had made himself at home in awe.

Ryland moved one of the cucumber slices and peeked at the door. He held up a loofa with his other hand and waved it impatiently expecting them to lather him. Mirio doubled over laughing before slowly backing away. Tamaki looked between Mirio escaping and the waiting raccoon before sighing and going to assist with Ryland's bubble bath.

Tamaki took the loofa and knelt on the floor outside of the bathtub. "Do you think Ridley will be okay?" He asked the raccoon tentatively.

Ryland looked somewhat offended and patted himself on the chest while puffing his chest out.

Tamaki nodded, gathering the raccoon was insinuating he was enough and would see to it that she was okay. "I'm glad she has such a capable sidekick."

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