Chapter Fourteen

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Fuyumi, Natsuo and Shoto reluctantly agreed to go out with their father and his spastic ward to celebrate Ridley's birthday. She'd been staying with the Todoroki family for a few months. Though Shoto would be reluctant to admit to it, the bubbly girl felt like family. She'd managed to bring laughter back to the Todoroki Household. She helped them all find a way to smile again. Things were still rocky between the children and their father but it seemed like things were starting to align and there was hope that in the future they'd be able to heal.

The kids wanted it to be a surprise for Ridley and told Ridley they were going out to celebrate Shoto being accepted into UA under recommendation. He'd be starting his first year as Ridley began her third year. The trio stepped off the train and couldn't help but smile as they saw Ridley excitedly hopping from foot to foot waving at them with such gusto, they were worried her arm would fly off. She was in her hero costume a tight fitted silver bodysuit with bright green accents. Sitting atop her head looking a little motion sick was the, not as fat, squashy raccoon, Ryland. He was wearing a cute green cape and mask in the same material as Ridley's costume with a silver B stitched into it.

Natsuo cracked a grin the moment he spotted the spastic girl, "it's really hard to believe she's a hero. She looks ridiculous."

Shoto nodded his agreement.

Fuyumi shot her brothers a reprimanding glare before waving back at Ridley and Ryland. She ushered the boys in Ridley's direction. They made their way over to the bright girl and Shoto grimaced as she threw her arms around him in a hug causing Ryland to topple off of her head and onto Shoto's head, which neither were pleased about. Ryland let out a growl of protest and swatted at Ridley as Shoto tried to break from her hold.

"Congratulations, Sho-chan!" Ridley squealed drawing the gaze of every other person at the station.

"You're embarrassing." He grumbled; his voice muffled as he was currently being smothered by her. His face reddened as he realized his face was very close to her chest and his struggle to break free became much more frantic. "Let go."

"Aw! How come your face is so red?" Ridley giggled as she poked at his bright red cheeks.

Once he was free from her surprisingly strong hold, Shoto took a few hurried steps back and scowled at her. Before he could snap at her, a handful of children came running over to them with bright smiles on their faces.

"POOF!" The children screamed causing the Todoroki siblings to look around curiously.

A moment later, Ridley was being swarmed by kids. She greeted them all with a radiant smile. The kids loved the bubbly girl and her crazy antics and soon they were all creating quite the ruckus. People passing by, stopped to see what the commotion was about, a few smiled and continued on their way, a handful shook their heads, some stayed to watch.

"Where's Bandit?" One of the younger children, a boy of four, asked as he hugged Ridley's leg.

Ridley glanced around and spotted Ryland still angrily sitting atop Shoto's head. She snapped her fingers on her right hand and Ryland vanished. Another snap with her fingers on her left hand and Ryland appeared above her. She caught him in her arms and all the children squealed and applauded. Ryland threw the spastic girl a panicked look as she lowered him toward the ground. He attempted to cling to her arms not wanting to be mauled by the children.

Ridley set him down and he was soon swarmed by children who all wanted to pet him, poke at him and squeeze him. He tolerated the aggressive snuggles. The Todoroki siblings watched the interaction warily. They were all worried the racoon was going to stop being tolerant and start attacking children. He was showing amazing restraint but they weren't sure how long that was going to last especially as children began pulling at his tail.

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