Chapter Three

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Class 2A arrived at the USJ for some rescue training with their homeroom teacher, Snipe. They found another Pro Hero by the name of Eraser Head already waiting for them. Eraser Head or more commonly known at UA as Mr. Aizawa had failed his entire class of first years deeming them all unworthy of being heroes and was now able to help out with some of the hero coursework for the second years.

Ridley took one look at the shabby looking man with the long scraggly dark hair and tired bloodshot eyes before vanishing from sight with a faint 'poof'. She appeared before the insomnia ridden man with a grin and attempted to hug him, "Sleepy Sensei!"

He activated his quirk causing his eyes to glow crimson and his long scraggly hair to stand on end as he tossed the carbon fiber scarf around his neck in the bubbly girl's direction entangling her in an instant. Ridley toppled to the ground entangled in the scarf and giggled adorably causing the majority of the students to snicker.

"Hey! No fair!" Ridley cackled on the ground. His quirk kept her from using hers and she couldn't poof out of her bonds.

Mr. Aizawa sighed, the exuberant youth hadn't changed at all since she'd been in his class the year before causing all manner of trouble. "Ridley, please behave yourself."

Ridley giggled, "Okay."

The moment Mr. Aizawa blinked, dropping his hold on her, she vanished from sight with a faint 'poof' and reappeared behind the tired man. She proceeded to make silly faces behind his back sending half the class into hysterics. Mr. Aizawa sighed, sometimes it was best just to ignore the bubbly girl and let her run wild. Ignoring the bubbly girl, Aizawa helped Snipe separate the class into two groups before splitting them up to go to different rescue sites within the USJ. The USJ was a giant dome shaped building that held various different natural disaster simulations for the young potential heroes to practice their skills.

Mirio went with Snipe and his half of the class to the landslide area while Aizawa took Ridley, Tamaki and the rest of their group to the shipwreck zone. Tamaki felt nervous being separated from Mirio who he often would hide behind and have speak for him due to his social anxiety. Though he felt relieved he still had Ridley in his group as she had a habit of drawing attention to herself whenever he felt overwhelmed, which helped him relax.

"Alright, we'll just start with some simple drowning victim practices." Aizawa began and held back a sigh as he noticed Ridley making silly faces again. He looked past her to the shy boy with the tousled dark indigo hair. "Amajiki."

Tamaki felt all the color drain from his face the moment his name was called and trembled as a few of his classmates turned on him.

"You're up first." Aizawa didn't seem the slightest bit sympathetic to the shy boy's plight.

Everyone stared at him. Tamaki panicked. His heart began to race sporadically and his indigo eyes began searching for somewhere for him to hide, away from all their stares. As he was ready to break, he heard Ridley's singsong voice cheer.

"I volunteer to drown!" She giggled and everyone turned to her staring at her as if she'd just sprouted a second head at the oddness of her statement and the cheerful way in which she said it. Ridley proceeded to swan dive dramatically off the ledge and disappeared with a poof before she could hit the water seeming to be intending to teleport further out in the water.

Tamaki felt his heart sink as she didn't reappear above the water's surface. There was a faint popping sound behind the group in the air above. Ridley had miscalculated. She was going to dive headfirst into cement! His body moved on autopilot, jumping into action as their fellow classmates panicked realizing what was about to happen. Activating his quirk flawlessly, Tamaki was able to utilize some of the dried octopus snacks Ridley had given him during lunch. His arm shifted into a long purple tentacle and darted toward the falling girl.

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