Chapter Twelve

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On her way to the nursing home where her grandmother was residing, Ridley spotted Mirio and Tamaki exiting a girly accessory shop. Tamaki looked thoroughly embarrassed, clutching a glittery pink bag, Mirio looked amused. She grinned and poofed over to them before either of them could notice her, since there wasn't any immediate danger her aim was a little off. She appeared in the air above them with a faint 'pop' causing them both to look up.

Tamaki and Mirio looked up at her with wide eyes and both jumped into action to try and catch her before she could wipe out on the road or sidewalk. Tamaki managed to catch her before any harm could befall her.

Ridley giggled as she landed in his arms and wrapped her bandaged arms around his neck, "Nice catch, Tama-tan." She'd said it without thinking before remembering their kiss and her cheeks suddenly flushed scarlet.

Mirio held back a laugh as he looked to both of their blushing faces. Tamaki stood frozen to the spot; red faced still holding Ridley in his arms. He looked like he wanted to say something but had frozen in fear as the few people bustling by on the sidewalk had begun to stare in their direction.

Sensing Tamaki was about to panic, Ridley hurriedly snapped her fingers on both hands causing the trio to vanish off the street. They reappeared a few blocks away, closer to the nursing home startling a man stumbling out of an alley with a bottle in hand as they appeared out of thin air. The man looked to the bottle in his hands, back to the trio of teenagers then back to the bottle before tossing it in a dumpster and walking away with his head in his hands.

Tamaki began to relax now that it was just the three of them. He looked down at Ridley and blushed as he realized he was still cradling her in his arms, "how are your injuries?" Gently, he set her on her feet.

"Huh?" Ridley tilted her head to the side curiously. "How did you know about that, it just happened yesterday?"

"It was all over the news." Mirio chuckled.

"Oh...I'm okay." Ridley beamed.

Mirio and Tamaki exchanged wary looks, they'd learned by now that Ridley was a master at masking her pain. She'd grown up in an abusive household and they were none the wiser because she never let things affect her outwardly.

"What are you two doing today?" She asked them quickly to change the subject, her arms did hurt a little from the burns she'd received but it was ignorable. It didn't seem to hurt as much in their presence.

Tamaki shyly extended the bright pink bag to her.

Ridley stared at it blankly for a moment.

Tamaki's cheeks reddened and he lightly shook the bag trying to get her to take it from him.

Mirio laughed at his weirdly shy and awkward companions, he knew something must have happened on their date as they were both much more awkward than usual, "so...did you two kiss or something?" He mused.

"K-kiss?!" Ridley squealed.

Tamaki's face turned an alarming shade of red and he nearly dropped his hold on the glittery pink bag.

"S-Sexual Harassment-kun is a stalker!" Ridley stammered.

"Oh, so you did kiss." Mirio chuckled and nearly fell over as it looked like both Tamaki and Ridley might faint their faces were so red. "Well it's about time." He snickered.

"Huh?" Ridley squeaked and she and Tamaki turned to Mirio curiously.

"Dad and I had a bet going." Mirio chuckled, "he said you two wouldn't figure it out until well after high school, but I had a feeling this would be the year. Can't wait to tell him I won."

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