Chapter Seventeen

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Ridley woke before her alarm with a big grin. It was a new school year, she and her friends were now third years, and Shoto was starting his first day as a first year at UA. She rolled out of her futon waking Ryland in the process. He rolled out of the futon after her and landed in a ball at her feet. Ridley scooped up her furry friend and tickled his belly causing the still half-asleep racoon to try to bite her. In his tired stupor he ended up biting his tail.

"Why'd you bite your tail, silly?" Ridley giggled.

Ryland gave up with a sigh and endured the tummy tickles.

Once Ridley had her fill, she hurriedly changed into her school uniform. Ryland scurried to her closet and scrambled to dig through the small grey tote with little animated raccoons on it where Ridley kept some of the ridiculous outfits, she tried to stuff him in. He found a little neck collar that had a red tie on it to match her uniform and attempted to put it on.

Ridley finished changing and looked around for Ryland so they could go wake up Shoto. He waddled, upright, out of her closet with a white neck collar with a red tie hanging down to his belly. "Ryland! You look so handsome!" She gushed as she scooped him up.

He swatted at her bashfully and let her adjust the collar as he'd put it on a little crooked.

A thought hit Ridley as she looked down at Ryland, "did you want to come to school with me?"

Ryland nodded.

"Okie dokie." Ridley giggled and hugged him tight. They made their way toward Shoto's room. Ridley was careful to tip toe and tried her best to whisper her plan to Ryland, though due to her excitement ended up talking at a normal volume. "It's Sho-chan's first day at UA, I think we should make sure he starts his day off right, so I'm going to open the door and we're going to run in and jump on the bed and cheer really loud!"

Ryland nodded along with her plan.

They came to a stop outside Shoto's door and both held up a finger in front of their lips to signal they were being quiet now. Ridley set Ryland down and counted down from three on her fingers before flinging the door open.

The pair darted into the room and leapt onto the bed as Ridley let out a loud cheer, "HAPPY FIRST DAY AT UA SHO-Ch-." Her words fell away as she hit an empty bed, "huh? Where did he go?" She looked to her furry sidekick.

Ryland shrugged.

"Let's split up and find him!" Ridley cried.

Ryland saluted before waddling away. Ridley snapped her fingers and disappeared with a poof. She reappeared in the kitchen with a faint pop and startled a half asleep Natsuo in the process causing him to let out a yelp and the box of cereal in his hand to go flying. The box collided into a tense looking Endeavor and cereal went everywhere.

Still not entirely awake, Natsuo stared at his now empty hand in awe, "what just happened?"

"Ridley." Endeavor growled, it wasn't even 7:00am and he was already rubbing his temples in frustration.

"Oopsie." Ridley giggled before realizing Shoto wasn't in the kitchen and disappearing with a poof.

She popped into almost every room of the house and found no sign of Shoto. She returned to the kitchen to find the cereal cleaned up and Fuyumi now in the kitchen making toast.

"Good morning, Ridley." Fuyumi smiled, now used to her appearing at random and no longer startled by her sudden appearances.

"Good morning Fuyumi-chan!" Ridley beamed before skipping into the dining room in search of Shoto.

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