Chapter Four

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               Ridley woke with a start as she heard her father's wife screaming from somewhere in the main mansion. Her voice getting louder as if she were drawing nearer. Anxiousness turned her stomach as her angry voice drew nearer. Creeping from her bed, Ridley began to panic, feeling an overwhelming need to hide. She scrambled toward her small wardrobe as she heard angry footsteps approaching.

As she reached the wardrobe her bedroom door flew open causing her to let out a startled yelp. She spun around to see her father's irate wife glaring at her from the doorway. Her immediate reaction anytime she saw Mrs. Fujikawa was to flinch and drop into a bow, this time was no different. Instinctively she flinched and lowered her head into a polite bow.

"G-good morning, Mrs. Fujikaw-." She cut off with a gasp of pain as something hard collided into her skull nearly knocking her off her feet. The sudden strike caused her to bite her tongue and she grimaced at the taste of blood in her mouth. Her gaze fell on the object that had hit her as it fell to the ground. It was one of her text books.

"Don't leave your things in MY house, where I can see them!" Mrs. Fujikawa shrieked lividly.

Ridley had fallen asleep studying in the kitchen. Liam had woken her up before the sun rose and ushered her off to bed. She must have forgotten it on the counter in her drowsy state. "I'm sorry." She kept her head down.

Mrs. Fujikawa only ever got angrier whenever she looked at her directly. Saying she reminded her of her whore mother. "If it were up to me, you'd be out of this house and on the streets where you belong." Her voice was icy and filled with loathing.

Ridley kept her mouth shut and her head bowed, hiding behind her long silken sheets of snow-white hair. She caught a glimpse of something in her periphery. There was something red and viscous oozing down the middle of her hair in front of her face. The book must have hit hard enough to break skin. Her stomach turned as she focused on the small trickle of blood dripping down her snow-white hair.

"Filth." Mrs. Fujikawa hissed before turning on her heel and storming away.

She slowly lifted her head and reached out to catch herself against her small desk as the room began to spin. Grimacing she placed her hand to the back of her head and let out a hiss of pain as it felt like her skull was splitting open. It was instantly coated in warm sticky blood. Her stomach lurched and she scrambled to her bathroom.

After heaving the contents of her stomach into the toilet she shakily stumbled into the shower. Ridley took a cold shower hoping the cold water would help slow the bleeding. The Sports Festival was today, Frank was excited to watch her compete on TV. Though she originally didn't feel like trying, she wanted to try, at least a little, for Frank since he'd be watching. She glanced down at the water pooling around her feet. It was pink but the blood flow seemed to be slowing thanks to the cold water.

Once she was finished with her cold shower, she changed into her UA gym uniform and teleported out of the mansion. Her landing was shaky and she toppled into a nearby rose bush letting out a yelp as her arms were ravaged by thorns. Snapping her fingers on both hands simultaneously she disappeared and reappeared just outside the security gate. Her footsteps were a little unsteady and she felt dizzy and light headed as she landed in a heap on the grass near the road.

"Stop it. Get your game face on!" She smacked her cheeks in an attempt to pump herself up. Staggering to her feet, she stumbled toward the bus stop.

"Good Morning, Ridley." The kind bus driver greeted her with a warm smile as she boarded the bus to take her to UA.

"Morning!" Ridley forced herself to smile and waved cheerfully in greeting successfully fooling the driver before going to take a seat.

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