Chapter Five

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After bidding farewell to Endeavor Ridley teleported to her locker at UA where she kept a small bag with a few changes of clothes in it on bad days where she didn't think it was safe to return home. She changed in the girl's bathroom and splashed some cold water on her face with a frown. She still looked pale. Her gaze fell on the bandages wrapped around her head and arms as she looked at her reflection.

She peeled the bandages off slowly. The wounds were closed and looked like subtle angry red scars. Gently she ran her hand through her hair, the wound on her head was scabbed over and a little tender. Sticking her tongue out she checked the spot where she'd bit it earlier in the morning it was just a little red and didn't hurt anymore. Smacking her hands on her cheeks she forced herself to smile brightly at her reflection. Tears welled in her eyes as she held her own gaze in the mirror.

"Stop that." She ordered herself, "You can't make everyone else happy if you don't look happy...stop crying..."

Her tears began to fall. The phone in her pocket vibrated. She wiped at her eyes and pulled it out of her pocket. Frank's smiling face flashed across the screen. He was trying to facetime with her. Hurriedly she mopped up her face and answered the call with a bright smile.

"YOU GOT FIRST PLACE!" There was a chorus of screams on the other end. She looked at the small phone screen and felt her heart swell as she spotted not just Frank, but Liam the chef, Gill , the gardener and a handful of maids were all cramped together to try and fit in frame.

"We're so proud of you, Ridley!" Everyone chorused.

"I knew you could do it, kiddo." Frank beamed brightest of all.

Ridley smiled, "Thanks everyone!"

"Had a bit of a rocky start though, Cher." Liam piped up, "You alright?"

"I'm okay." She mustered up her most convincing smile.

None of them were convinced.

"Heard the Mrs. shouting up a storm earlier this weren't caught in any crossfire, were you?" Gill asked warily.

"It's okay." Ridley laughed it off, "I'm fine now."

The servants all exchanged worried looks.

"I'll make you something special and leave it in your room for you, Cher." Liam winked at her.

"Thanks, Liam."

"And what are you up to this fine evening, Miss Ridley?" Frank asked her with a smile.

"Mirio's dad is taking us all out to celebrate." She smiled happily.

"That sounds like fun. We won't keep you, we just wanted to check in and let you know we were all rooting for you." Frank smiled warmly.

"Thanks everyone." Ridley felt her mask beginning to shift, "You're the best."

She disconnected the call and made her way outside before teleporting her way into the city. After a few teleports she appeared outside the arcade bar and grill she was meeting the boys at. She caught sight of her reflection in the reflective glass windows and smoothed out her cute lime green dress and fluffed out her long snow-white hair.

"Ridley!" She heard a familiar voice cry her name and turned to see Tamaki, Mirio and his father, Mr. Togata, approaching.

A dazzling smile lit up her face as she waved to them. Mr. Togata was a prim proper genteel man with dark hair that he always kept smoothed back. He offered her a warm smile and gave her a half hug as he greeted her.

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