Chapter Nineteen

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Ridley laid in the darkness, curled in a ball for what felt like days. Her stomach hurt, it stopped growling hours ago, now it just hurt. There wasn't any food in the darkness, but at least it was safe here. She thought of her tiny room in the attic back home and the chef's amazing meals. Her stomach hurt again. She sat up.

"Hello?" She called into the dark nothingness. Her voice didn't echo, and there was no reply. "How do I go back home?" She called into the dark again.

No reply.

"I'm hungry."


"Frank will be worried."


She started to cry.

The strange pulling sensation washed over her and she felt herself begin to fall. She landed on a small plush office chair with a yelp. A quick glance and she realized she'd landed in the security office at the main gate.

"Ridley!" Frank gasped as he saw the little girl appear in the air with a 'pop' and drop onto his office chair, he'd been pacing for hours, sick with worry.

"Frank!" The small crying child grinned at him through her tears and threw her arms around him. She was freezing cold and littered with bruises.

"We were all worried sick, where have you been? It's been three days!" Frank scooped her into his arms and cradled the battered and frail child against him. "You're freezing cold." He grabbed one of his spare jackets from the closet and helped her into it. It completely drowned her but it seemed to warm her up right away.

Ridley succumbed to the pain in her stomach from lack of sustenance and the pain of her various injuries from her siblings and slipped from consciousness.

"Ridley?" Present Mic's voice shook her from the painful memories.

"Huh?" She blinked a few times and realized for the second time that day her entire class and now Present Mic were staring at her curiously. She'd been out of it again. Did he ask her a question? "Simile!" She blurted, taking a random guess at what he'd have asked her.

Present Mic stared at her as if she'd just lost her mind, "" He shook his head at her, "you feeling okay?"

"Yep!" She grinned.

Present Mic frowned, Ectoplasm had mentioned the spastic girl had seemed off earlier in the day, and even cried. That definitely wasn't normal. "...right...why don't you go see Principal Nezu..."

Ridley shrugged, scooped up Ryland and skipped out of the room. Mirio and Tamaki exchanged worried looks, she'd been zoning out all day. Something wasn't right.

Ridley made her way to Principal Nezu's office in a daze as she hugged Ryland close. The fat squashy raccoon tapped at her face as she started to drift off again.

"Seems I was worried for nothing; you don't have my quirk." That sounded like her father's voice.

Little Ridley woke with a start to find herself in her small cupboard sized bedroom. She spotted her father sitting at her bedside. He'd never done that before. "Dad?" She asked weakly.

His eyes narrowed down at her.

"Were you worried about me?" She asked somewhat hopefully, Frank said she'd been in that strange void of darkness for three days.

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